17. Love

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In the early hours before their shift commenced, the colleagues gathered for breakfast in the communal area. The atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of chatter, the clinking of cutlery against plates, and the aroma of coffee wafting through the air. Some engaged in light-hearted conversations, while others quietly prepared for the day ahead. It was a routine shared among the coworkers-a moment to catch up, fuel up, and mentally prepare before diving into their workday.

"Hey, Jeon... Can we have a look at your girlfriend?"

Jungkook, choosing to keep his composure, replied firmly but calmly, "Her personal life isn't for discussion at work. Let's focus on our tasks, shall we?" He redirected the conversation and attempted to change the subject to avoid further confrontation.

"You really think she's loyal to you? Long-distance means she's got someone else.""She must be desperate to be with someone like you."

"Do you even have a girlfriend? Probably imaginary like your skills."

Jungkook felt enraged when a group of his colleagues began disparaging Jisoo. As a foreigner in the workplace, he often encountered taunts and rude remarks, but this time, they had crossed a line. "Don't retaliate, Jeon. It's not worth it," Matthew cautioned him in Korean.

However, Jungkook's blood boiled when their conversation veered into inappropriate territory, discussing Jisoo's body figure. "Hold it right there! Don't you dare talk about my partner that way," he snapped, his fists clenching in frustration. He was on the verge of lashing out physically
but Matthew managed to step in and calm him down. 'Jungkook, have a grip, buddy. We won't be here for long; once we sort everything out, we'll be heading home,' Matthew assured him.


In the city, Jisoo was settling into her new apartment. Most of her belongings had found their place in this new space she now called home.

Fortunately, Nayeon lived nearby and lent her a hand. "Anything left?" she asked. "Most of it is here now. Thanks a lot, Nayeon."

"You're welcome, pumpkin," Nayeon replied.Sitting together on the couch, Nayeon inquired, "So, how's your relationship?""Surprisingly, we're doing alright," Jisoo responded.

Jisoo, still in the process of unpacking and adjusting to her new home, eagerly shared her plans for decorating the apartment-her excitement palpable in her voice. They reminisced about their past experiences living in the city, sharing anecdotes and laughter over nostalgic memories.

Their discussion branched into various areas-plans for the future, work-related matters, and updates on each other's lives. They delved into their aspirations, dreams, and challenges, forming a natural connection as they caught up with one another. The atmosphere was relaxed and familiar, as conversations seamlessly transitioned from one subject to the next, nurturing the bond between the two friends.

Nayeon checked her phone and read a text, "Oh, I'm leaving now. My boyfriend is here!""Alright, you don't want to invite him in? I can make you guys a drink," Jisoo offered, but Nayeon declined gently, "Thank you, but we're heading out for dinner anyway. Maybe next time." Nayeon bid her goodbye, leaving Jisoo alone in the apartment.

"Bye, text me when you get home!," Jisoo shouted.

Jisoo received a video call, which is from Jungkook and it made her day lighter."Hello, love. You're up early today? Is everything alright?" she asked.

He smiled fondly, "I just miss you. Can't wait to come home," he said, even though he was having a tough time with his colleagues, opting not to share those details with her.

"How's the new apartment? Do you like it?" he inquired.

"I love it. It's in the middle of the city, but it's very calm, probably because I'm in a private area, thanks to you," she replied with a smile, knowing the apartment was a condominium that Jungkook owned.

"I haven't set the security code. I'll ask my friend to set it up as soon as possible," Jungkook informed her."The security here is already secure," Jisoo noted."Yes, but you can't trust anybody nowadays, and I just want to make sure you're safe," Jungkook explained with a sigh.

"Is something bothering you?" she asked, noticing the expression he was trying to hide."Just can't wait to go home," he replied, attempting to downplay any concerns.

"It must be tough for you, right? I'll pray for the best and hope everything goes smoothly for you," she smiled, showing her support.

"I appreciate your thoughts. Gotta get back to work now. Take care, love," and then end the call.


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