13. Love Divine

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Jisoo gathered her friends via video call, eagerly anticipating their reactions to her renewed relationship with Jungkook."Hey, guys, I've got some news... Jungkook and I, well, we're giving it another shot."

Nayeon showed a big smile,"Oh wow, that's fantastic news, Jisoo!" while Wheein gave her around applause, "Finally! I've been waiting for this day."

"Wait a minute, does this mean I need to start drafting my best man speech?" Joshua said which makes all of them giggle, "Hold your horses, Josh! Let's take one step at a time." Jisoo rolled her eyes.

As they bantered about future prospects, Hwasa hesitated before joining the conversation with a secret of her own."Actually, I've got a surprise too..."

"What's up, Hwasa?" Nayeon asked, all of them went silence, participating waiting for her to reveal the surprise.

"I'm actually three weeks pregnant!"

A mix of surprise and jubilation echoed across the call."Hwasa, that's absolutely incredible! Congratulations!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"Wait, didn't you just tie the knot?" confusedly, Wheein asked. Hwasa explained the situation, "Yeah, but we fast-tracked our wedding plans."

“Ahhhh,” they all said in unison. "That's such amazing news, babe. Happy for you!,” Nayeon commented and gave her a flying kiss through the video call.

"Whoa, talk about surprises! Babies on the way already?" Joshua said in disbelief."Hold on a sec, let me catch up! Weddings, babies—did I accidentally skip a chapter in the manual of adulting?" he added.

"Seems like Hwasa's version of 'fast delivery' applies to more than just online shopping!" Nayeon added to the teasing. Wheein laughed at their joke after added, "Well, if that's the trend, should I start picking out names for the future bridal party already?"

Hwasa seems to unbothered as she used to their teasing, "Hey, you guys! Surprise might be my middle name now,” she said.

"Looks like we're all heading for unexpected plot twists! Anyway, I got to go guys, my boyfriend is picking me up for dinner,” Jisoo was about to end the call with waving her hand and prepare for them to attack her with the terms..

“Eww, love birds,”


Jungkook arrives at Jisoo's place to take her out for dinner, knowing that his departure is imminent. He waits by his car, feeling a mix of excitement and melancholy.

Jisoo steps out of her home, looking stunning in a simple yet elegant dress. She smiles warmly at Jungkook, a hint of sadness in her eyes."You look beautiful, love."

"Thank you. You're not looking too bad yourself."

As they drive to the restaurant, Jungkook navigates the streets, occasionally stealing glances at Jisoo. The atmosphere inside the car is filled with a mix of emotions—joy of being together, yet overshadowed by the impending separation. "I made reservations at your favorite place. Thought we'd cherish these last moments."

"That's thoughtful of you. I'm really going to miss this."

During dinner, they reminisce about cherished memories, sharing laughter and quiet moments. The conversation shifts between the past and the future, the uncertainty of distance evident in their words

"Remember the time we got lost exploring that new neighborhood?" she asked with a sparkling eyes. "And how you made us ask for directions, even though I was convinced we'd find our way eventually?" he asked her back, which make them both laugh.

As the evening progresses, emotions run high. Jungkook and Jisoo exchange stolen glances and silent conversations, their unspoken words echoing the depth of their feelings. "Jungkook, would you... stay over for the night?"

He seems to have taken aback by the request, but pleased "Are you sure? I don't want to overstep any boundaries."

"I just... I don't want this night to end, Jungkook. Not yet."

"Alright. I'd like that too."


They arrive at Jisoo's place, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. They step inside, the familiar surroundings bringing both comfort and a pang of sadness knowing that this could be one of their last nights together for a while.

Jungkook and Jisoo settle in, the evening transitioning into a quiet yet comforting night. They share laughter, reminisce about old times, and find solace in each other's presence."I'll miss this... your laughter, these moments," Jungkook whispered, gently caressing her cheeks as they lay facing each other.

“Me too,” Jisoo replied softly, leaning in closer until their noses touched. “You know, Hwasa just shared the news that she's expecting a baby.”

Jungkook's eyes brightened, a warm blush spreading across his cheeks. With a shy yet hopeful smile, he gathered his courage to ask, “Do you ever envision us having one?”

As she leaned in, their breaths mingled, their lips meeting in a gentle, lingering kiss."Our future? It's a beautiful thought."

Their lips met again, this time with a lingering tenderness, conveying a depth of emotion words couldn't encapsulate. A pause ensued, their foreheads touching, each heartbeat syncing in harmony. In the quiet of the moment, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them entwined in a cocoon of affection.

Jungkook's voice was soft, carrying the weight of his emotions, as he delicately pressed his lips against Jisoo's ear, trailing kisses along the curve of her neck. His whispered confession was a tender caress on her soul. "I've dreamed of these moments with you. I love you,”

His breath, warm against her skin, sent shivers down her spine. Jisoo turned to meet his gaze, her eyes a reflection of the stars above, shining with affection and vulnerability.

"I love you too, Jungkook. More than words can express." Their whispered declarations hung in the air.

Jungkook's hand gently cradled her cheek, his touch a testament to the depth of his feelings. His lips found hers in a slow, tender kiss, each movement a declaration of devotion.

As their embrace deepened, time seemed to stand still. The night echoed with the soft symphony of their beating hearts, entwined in a dance of love and longing.


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