Chapter 1

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I studied English literature in college and I do love it. 

The pages of my spiral notebook is my open canvas, I could freely lose myself in the depths of my creativity. The power it gives me to create a new world ignite a fire within me. What I don't love are the years slipping away as I find myself confided within the walls of my father's grocery store (my inner voice is rolling her eyes) it has only been 3 years. I wave my hands around above me "shush" I say. 

The mundane routine and the daily not-so-subtle romantic messages from Muzaffer weigh heavily on my spirit. I am constantly tempted to beat him with one of the broomsticks on display. It could be an interesting experiment to see if this $5.99 wooden broom would put some sense to his pompous ass. It's in those moments that I yearned for an escape, a chance to break free from the confines of the Mahalle. I sigh and speak out loud to the universe or whoever is listening "the day will come when my novel will be discovered by a publishing company." Until that time, I need to get a job that will get me out of this repetitive routine.

I'm so engrossed in my thoughts that I hardly take notice of what's going on around me, until I am abruptly jolted back to reality by the familiar voice of our long-standing client, Ms. Fatima.(literally long standing. She told she's been waiting for 3 minutes). "Merhaba Sanem. Let me get a small bag of rice " she kindly says. 

---- *** ----

I finally get home after a weary day of sorting inventory and negotiating prices with our local egg supplier. Seeking a moment of respite, I reach for the refrigerator door intending to pour myself a glass of milk. I catch a glimpse of my sister, Leila seated at the dining table engrossed in her Subway Surfers game. I can tell my sister Leila is suppressing an urge to roll her eyes at me.

"Don't give me that look" I tell her

"Drinking milk at your age is too juvenile. When are you going to grow up?"

A thought occurred "glad you asked" I say, beaming as I walk to her. "I checked the paper this morning and there is a copywriting assistant listing at your agency."

"No. Don't even think about it. It's a stupid idea" she says shaking her head determinedly. 

"I applied" I smiled proudly and take a pause. Oh she is going to hate this. My inner voice giggles. "And I have an interview tomorrow." I run to my room and lock the door before she says anything.

Real mature my inner voice snickers  

All I hear Leila yell through the door "have you loss your mind!" before I put on my headphones to cancel her out.

The following morning, I woke up earlier than usual, I'm driven by a purpose 1. to prepare for this interview and 2. to avoid any and all grievances from Leila. Since I got up to a great start: I'm super early, wearing my comfortable sneaker and a flowing yellow dress. I decided it's time to pull out Rosie, my beloved pink bicycle. 

I loved nothing more than the feeling of the breeze as I pedaled my bike through the bustling streets. The wind whipping through my hair as I sing to Mariah Carey Fantasy, blissfully unaware of a massive pickup truck coming towards me. 

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