We Shouldn't Feel This Way

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Hunter and Tech made it back, they walked through the door and saw Wrecker and Omega waiting for them. Wrecker was eating at the table and Omega jumped off the couch she was sitting on.

"Are you guys alright?" Omega asked. "Wait, where's Aurora?"

"We got separated by battle droids." Tech stated and walked past her to where Wrecker was. Tech took his helmet off and placed it on the table and started to examine what Wrecker was eating.

"Is she alright?" Omega turned back to Aurora.

Hunter patted her shoulder. "She will be. Aurora knows to meet back here."

"Okay." Omega sighed.

"Come on, let's see what Wrecker made, but if it's not edible then I'll make us something better." Hunter said. He took off his helmet and walked into the kitchen.

Omega laughed. "Copy that."


Hunter sat at the table, he was out of his armor, in his regular civilian clothes. The group had dozed off after eating but Aurora hadn't returned yet. He looked around the room. Omega and Wrecker slept on the couch together, she was curled right up against her. Tech fast asleep on the smaller couch. He looked to the door as he heard the sound of incoming footsteps. Someone burst through the door and he saw that the woman marching in looked angry. He stood up.

"Give it back." Aurora sternly said as she marched up to him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hunter said.

"Don't you play dumb with me!" She started raising her voice. "I know you stole my property."

"Oh that's rich coming from you, the girl who steals for a living." Hunter argued back.

Aurora got right in his face. "You don't know what I do. So you best back off!"

The two of them arguing cause Omega to stir. They looked at the girl, but she stayed asleep on the couch. Wrecker and Tech remained unmoving. Hunter grabbed Aurora by the arm, she was trying to pull herself away. He dragged her down the hall to one of the rooms.

"Hunter let me go!" She smacked his arm. He opened the door and practically shoved her in, he closed the door behind them. "What is it with you and shoving me!" She didn't miss a beat getting back in his face.

"You are treading on thin ice Aurora!" Hunter said. "You were just going to leave without saying anything?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Aurora claimed.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "You weren't planning on running away with Fennec? Fennec of all people?!"

"That's not any of your business!" She furrowed her brow. "Were you following me?"

"Yes, because I was worried about you."

"Well don't, that's not your job to."

"Why do you keep acting like this?"

She laughed, "I don't have to answer that to you! You shouldn't have followed me!" She jabbed his chest.

"That's how you respond? You are so immature sometimes!"

Aurora's mouth formed a thin line. She went to push him away, to get past him. She had to get out of that room with him before she did something she regrets, but he grabbed her wrists and pinned her against the wall. She struggled against him. "Let me go!" She said sternly.

"Not until you stop acting so childish! What am I supposed to say? I'm sorry for caring so much?! Maybe I am sorry Aurora! Maybe I shouldn't care about you!"

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