Happy for a Day...

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The day just kept getting better after the first period. No one bothered him, no one he loved got hurt, he was welcome home with a surprise, taken out to dinner, had a party there, and was genuinely happy. Today was amazing.....

At least he got to be happy for a day. The next few days were complete hell. He kept getting more notes, the weird Instagram account was messaging him more, he was tripped down the stairs, had to get surgery because the fall messed his leg up even more, got his crutches back, and almost got shot in a drive by. The Instagram account told him this would happen but even  though he was super careful, he still got hurt.

He so desperately wanted to tell Sean but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He knew that he had quit the music club for him, so he didn't want to know what else he would do for him. He couldn't tell Willow because she would've gotten into another fight.

Jake sighed and closed his locker, ready to leave for the day. "You ready babe?" Jake tiredly nodded his head, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with his boyfriend in bed. Willow walked up to the boys and leaned against the locker.

"I am so fucking done with history," she muttered under her breath. The two boys laughed at her causing her to laugh as well. They turned around to leave until they heard the speakers turn on.

"This is not a drill, please get to safety! I repeat, this is NOT a-"


"I'm coming for you Jake~"


I hope you all enjoyed this, long overdue, chapter. Today has been tiring and stressful. I had a parade, then left to go to Raleigh for my school's championship football game. I was so excited because I'm a freshman going to a state game. Nah fam. They disappointed me. They didn't play their hardest and we lost, 18-28. Anyways, just glad I could get this part done, had a lot of ideas for the story. I hope you all are having a good day/night and are staying hydrated too.

Love y'all,


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