Only The Beginning

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Jake couldn't believe it. His sister had been taken back to the hospital and she had only been out for a few weeks. He felt horrible, thinking it was his fault. If only he'd had never said those awful things, none of this would've been happening. His sister would be alright and not in the hospital. All of this was his fault. He sat in the waiting room with the Everett family, crying his eyes out on Sean's shoulder.

The Everett's felt sorry for the siblings. They had just been kicked out of their home by the people that were supposed to love them the most. They were kicked out because of who they loved. This wasn't fair, not by a long shot. They deserved a break from all of this pain and suffering. Sean looked at his boyfriend and realized he had fallen asleep. He smiled and pulled him closer, laying Jake's head onto his chest. Sean still wondered how in the hell did he get so lucky?

"Willow Rose?" The family looked up as the doctor called out.

"That's us," Rachel said as she stood with Leo. Sean looked down at the blonde boy and gently shook his shoulder.

"Babe, you have to get up now." Jake groaned tiredly and opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, making Sean wonder how one person could be so damn cute. Jake looked up at Sean sleepily and made grabby hands, silently asking to be picked up. The DJ could've died right then and there. He has seen some adorable things in his life but nothing could compare to what Jake just did. He happily picked his boyfriend up, bridal style, and carried him down the hall.

They walked into a room to see Willow crying and nurses trying to calm her down. Tears ran down her cheeks as the nurses tried to give her pain killers.

"Willow, you need to hold still," The nurse told her as Willow fought against her restraints. They had tied her down because after her surgery, she was wide awake, running on adrenaline and fear.

Rachel rushed over, knocking the nurses out of her way. She pushed her hands through Willow's hair, trying to calm the stressed girl. "Shhhh, you're ok." Willow looked at her with watery eyes, pressing her head against the palm of Rachel's hand. Rachel took the pill from the nurse and gave it to the blue eyed girl once she calmed down.

Willow sleepily ate the pill and drank the water Rachel gave her. Her head was spinning and her vision was slowly going out. She slowly turned her head and saw the sleeping, peach haired, boy. Lazily moving her arm, she reached out towards him and Sean knew what she wanted.

He brought the boy forward and laid him on the bed next to Willow. Jake opened his eyes just to close them again and curl up next to his sister. Willow wrapped her arms around him and fell asleep. Sean smiled before frowning. Why couldn't they get a break? They didn't deserve this.

If only Sean would've looked behind him, outside of the door window. Then maybe he would've seen the person behind all of this.

"This is only the beginning of your suffering."

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