A date or hangout?

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Zander walked over to Milly and Luke who were both staring at Sean in disbelief.

"What's Sean doing with Jake?" Milly asked Zander, hidden anger in her eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders. "No clue, but they seem close." Next thing he knew, Luke had his arm around his shoulder.

"How about we just get out of here and go have fun?" Zander blushed as he said his idea. His voice sounded amazing and he looked just as good too. The other two nodded and they walked out of the classroom.

. . . .

Sean and Jake were walking out of school when they decided to take the long way to the older's house. They stopped by the park to look at the lake. "Look at how cute the ducks are!!!"

When Jake said that, Sean's mind only thought of one thing, 'Not as cute as you.'

"Sean, do you want ice cream?" he asked and snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, thanks"

"What flavor?"

"Mint chocolate chip, please."

Jake nodded and walked towards the ice cream truck. 'He's so thoughtful. I could've given him the money to get mine but he walked off.' When Jake got back he handed Sean the ice cream cone and smiled. After eating the ice cream they left to go to the Everett household.

Once they got there, they ran upstairs and into Sean's room. "What do you wanna do?" The peach haired boy asked the other boy.

"Do you wanna work on homework for now?"

"Sure." And with that they got to work. When they were done, they spent the rest of the day playing on Sean's computer. He even showed Jake how he makes the beats for the songs the club sings.

They were having so much fun, they forgot about the time and Jake had to stay over and call his mom. Jake didn't eat a lot for dinner but it was better than nothing. Jake had already taken his shower and was wearing some of Sean's old clothes while his were being washed for tomorrow.

Once Sean got out of the shower he found Jake passed out on his bed. 'I guess he was really tired.' Sean laid beside him and pulled the covers over them both. "Goodnight, Jake."

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