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Willow was walking to Jake's room when she saw their mom at his door and heard him say, "I love you," to Sean.

This was bad, really bad. They didn't have any idea how she would react, or how their dad would react when he found out. "Family meeting!" Mrs.Sterling yelled as she walked downstairs.

Willow went to Jake's door and looked to see him staring back at her. "Jake-"

"They're gonna hate me." It broke her heart to hear him say that so she went up to him and hugged him tightly.

"If they do then just remember that I love you." He hugged her back and she helped him stand up. He took in a big breath then walked out of the room, Willow following behind him.

When they got downstairs, their parents were sitting on the couch with Milo. She grabbed his hand tightly and took him to sit on the other couch with her. "So Jake, tell them what you did and why."

Willow could feel Jake's hand shake in her's as he took in a shaky breath.

"I told Sean I loved him-"

"Well, that isn't bad. They're friends after all." Jake's face turned a bright shade of pink.

"We're not just friends dad..." Their parents looked confused, but by the look on their faces, they figured out what he meant.

"You're dating Sean?" My mother asked and Jake looked on the verge of tears. He nodded his head and their parents faces turned from calm to furious. "Get out."

Willow's heart stopped. "Was she really about to kick him out!?"

"M-mom, what-"

"GET OUT!" She yelled at him, making him flinch in fear.

"Dad, you're not gonna let her put Jake out right?" He just sat there, anger written on his face. Willow couldn't believe this. Jake stood up and bolted upstairs to his room, sobbing on his way up. This made her blood boil.

Their parents were gonna kick Jake out and Milo, who adored Jake and never wanted him to leave, wasn't even gonna try to convince them not to.

Willow stood up and began to go back upstairs until I heard mom's voice. "Where are you going?"

"To pack my stuff." Their parents sat there, looking shocked and confused.

"Why darling?"

"Because I support Jake. I also don't want to live with homophobes." With that, she walked upstairs and into her room, packing up her stuff as quickly as she could. Once the teen was done, she grabbed her backpack, and school bag, and walked out to see Jake about to leave. "You're not going anywhere without me."

He turned around and his eyes were puffy and red. "You can't leave just because of me." She smiled and wrapped an arm around the back of his neck. "I can and I will." He smiled and they walked downstairs together, our parents not even trying to stop us. I guess they didn't want a pride supporter living under their roof.

They walked out and Jake called Sean. "Hey babe, is everything alright?" Willow wondered how Sean knew somethin' was wrong, but she just guessed he was just wondering.

"Can me and Willow come to your place?" Sean took a moment but then replied.

"Yeah, I asked my mom and she said it was fine. I'm gonna come to pick you both up." Before Jake could object, Sean hung up the phone.

"I can't believe they kicked me out." Willow looked at Jake and felt bad, so she decided to make him feel better.

"Well, fuck 'em. You don't need them and you're better off without 'em. He smiled but she could still tell he was sad. "I wonder how we're gonna explain this to Sean and his parents..."

ANGST FOR THE WIN! I was trying to figure out if I should make it fluff or angst so I spun a wheel and angst won. I'm so sorry for all of the sadness, I'm gonna try to make the next one happier and if I can't, then more angst. Love ya guys and have a good day/night.

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