When you meet

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You were walking on the beach for a morning stroll to help you keep your mind off of things. Everything is quiet until something emerges from the water. It was what looked like a hand. It had a mouth in the center ,   you smaked it with your purse , put that only made it angrier.  Before it came to attack you , a chubby pink skinned boy came and   fought the  beast.  The beast finally backed down, and  fell flat to the ground. A small pack of dust clouded the monster. When it cleared away, all that was left was a  reddish color gemstone. The boy walked over to it and made some sort of magical bubble around it. Then he walked over and helped you up.  "You OK" he asked you in a worried some tone. You nodded. He stare into your (E/c) eyes  and smiled. "My name is steven, Steven universe, what yours? "  you looked off to the side then back at him " (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)" you reply smiling back. "Thats a pretty name (Y/n) " steven complimented "I haven't seen you around here before , are you new??"  You nodded again. "Yes, I just moved here from ( City/name)  and I have no friends yet." Thats when he decided to show you around beach city. Delighted with his idea , you and steven walk off the beach. It was getting late and you mum, wanted you home by 7:30.  "Hey , steven it was thanks for showing me around, but I have to go home , my. mum wants me home at a certain time. "  as you turn to leave, Steven Quickly calls your name "wait,  (Y/n)! Can I walk you home?" You stop for a moment , then blush. "S-sure," you finally manage to say. Along the way you talk about all your favorite things. Eventually you reach your destination. You unlock the door , and hug steven. You both blush during g the process which makes it even more awkward. Steven waved goodbye and walked down the street.  You watched him until he was no longer  able to be seen. You walked up stairs you flopped onto your bed thinking about your day. In your pocket, you feel something strange. You then reach into your pocket and pull out a paper, unfolding it to reveal, a phone number with a message attached to it which read 'hey (Y/n) this is in case ya wanna talk or chat with me or anything.  Uh......yeah hopefully we can meet up again sometime :3 ~Steven Universe' you smile reading this. Then you put the number in your phone. Labeling him under the name of Steven. Just steven.

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