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Few years later

"Where were you coming from?" I asked

"Oliver," she began, but I cut her off

"How could you leave your daughter at school and not even bother to pick her up at closing time? That's so irresponsible"

"It's not my fault, My boss asked me to wait behind after work, and I lost track of time." Viola said

"Your boss and you How could you forget your daughter at school? That's just irresponsible!"

"I know, I know,But you know my job is important to me. It's how I support us."

"Viola,I've told you a hundred times that you should quit your job. I have enough money to support us. What else do you need?"

"I don't want to quit, My job is a part of who I am. It's my passion, and I can't give it up."

"But why? For Pete's sake, you have money, you have a daughter. What else do you want?" I said

"Mum" a small voice called out. We turned to see our daughter, Ariel, running towards us.

"My baby" Viola exclaimed, scooping her up into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry for not picking you up on time."

"It's okay, Mum," Ariel said, her face buried in Viola's shoulder. "I know you're busy."

"You know what, baby?" Viola said, lifting Ariel up "Let's do something fun. Why don't you tell me and show me what you've been learning in school?"

As Viola carried Ariel to the room, I sank down onto the couch, deep in thought. "I hope I haven't made a bad choice," I mumbled to myself.

The room was decorated with pictures of our two children and a framed photo of Clara in her lawyer's robes, hanging on the wall.

"I've just finished reading you guys a bedtime story," I said, looking at the two sleepy faces in front of me. "Are you not going to sleep?"

"Mum, when is Aunty Scarlett coming back?" Zoe asked

I sighed. "So you guys aren't going to sleep because you're excited about seeing Scarlett?"

"We love Aunty Scarlett!" both kids exclaimed in unison, their excitement evident.

"Zion, Zoe, You guys need to go to bed. Scarlett is going to be working late, you know she's a doctor."

"But we want to wait for her We want to see her as soon as she gets home."Zion protested. "

"I know you do, But it's getting late, and you both need to get some sleep. You have school in the morning."

"My babies!" Scarlett said as she walked into the room.

"Aunty Scarlett!" the kids yelled, their faces lighting up as they rushed to give her a big hug.

Scarlett's eyes shone with happiness as she wrapped her arms around the kids. She was always so good with them, and they adored her.

"How was your day, my loves?" she asked,

"Fine," they said, their energy still high.

Scarlett turned to me, her eyebrows raised. "So, why are they still awake? thought you would have put them to bed by now."

"I spent all this time reading them a bedtime story, And now they're refusing to go to sleep because they want to wait for you."

"Aww," Scarlett said, a smirk on her face. "It sounds like they're more attached to me than to you."

I laughed, "just tell them to sleep is late already "

"Alright, you two,It's late, and your mum is right. You need to go to bed."

The kids looked at each other, their eyes a little wide. But they nodded, their little shoulders slumping. "Okay, Aunty," they said, their voices small and tired.

As the kids disappeared into their room, I tiptoed over to the door and gave them each a kiss on their foreheads. I lingered in the doorway for a moment, watching as they snuggled into their beds and closed their eyes.

I turned to Scarlett, my heart full to bursting. "Thank you," I whispered, not wanting to wake the kids. "You're a lifesaver."

"So, how was work today?" Scarlett asked

"Ugh," I said, letting out a long sigh. "It was so stressful. I've been working on so many cases, and it feels like I'm never going to get them all done."

"Aw, I'm so sorry, It must be really hard. But you're so good at what you do. I know you'll get through it."


"That reminds me, When are you going back to your village? I mean, you're rich now, you go back at least go pay your last respect to your mum."

"I wish I could go back, But I can't. Not after what happened."

"But don't you think you should try to explain yourself to Oliver? Maybe he'll understand"

"No, please don't bring up Oliver,That's all in the past. I have nothing to do with him anymore."

"You had kids with him, so you have something to do with him " she said,

I felt my frustration boiling over. "Scarlett, I appreciate everything you've done for me and my kids,But I'm asking you to stop talking about Oliver. Please. Good night."..............

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