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I'm just a baby writer, so please be kind to me! 😆 Even if you don't comment please at least vote the story. It would mean the world to me! So thanks for your support, and here's hoping you enjoy my writing! 🤗

i'd like to note that this is a short story, so i didn't have the opportunity to develop the characters fully.

i'm still working on improving my ability to write stories with multiple characters.



Oliver Night and Clara had been friends since childhood. They grew up together, and as they got older, they realized that they had feelings for each other. Oliver was a prince, and he truly loved Clara. They did everything together, from playing games to exploring the palace grounds. They were inseparable, and everyone around them could see how much they cared for each other. But when it came time for Oliver to go away to continue his studies

"Is it true that you're going to the city?" Clara asked, her voice trembling

Oliver nodded, his eyes downcast. "Yes, it's true. I've been planning to tell you, but I didn't know how."

"So what does this mean for us?" Clara asked, tears forming in her eyes. "Are we over?"

Oliver hesitated, unsure of what to say. He didn't want to lose Clara, but he also knew that his duty to his family and kingdom came first.

Oliver took a step closer to Clara, his heart racing. "Of course not, I could never forget you. I won't give up on us. I promise I'll come back and marry you. You'll be my queen and the mother of my children." He reached out to take her hand, hoping that his words would reassure her.

"But what about your study ? How can you promise to come back when you don't know what the future holds?"

"I don't care what the future holds," Oliver said. "You are my future. I love you, and I promise I'll come back to you."

"But how can you promise that?" Clara asked,

"I cross my heart," Oliver said, his eyes never leaving hers. "I will come back to you. I swear it."

Clara looked into his eyes, searching for any trace of doubt. But all she saw was sincerity and love. They clasped pinkies, sealing their promise with a gesture of childhood friendship.

But as it turned out, Oliver would not keep his promise. When he returned from the city, he refused to marry Clara, no matter how much she pleaded with him. Even his father, King Michael, could not convince him to go through with the marriage. But when the king threatened to strip him of his title and inheritance if he did not marry Clara, Oliver finally gave in. However, his acceptance came with a condition that would change everything.

You must be wondering what happens next! Will Clara accept the condition?
What is the condition, anyway?
And what will become of Oliver and Clara's relationship? Does he truly love her

Relax and get comfortable, because the story is about to get even more exciting! 😊 You won't want to miss a single moment of the twists and turns to come, so make sure you're ready for anything. Get ready to be on the edge of your seat!


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