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"I don't know what happened, I swear, I don't know him."I sobbed,

"Don't give me that I saw you with him Naked in the same bed" Oliver yelled, his face red with anger

"I swear, I don't know him" I insisted, but my words fell on deaf ears.

"You're lying I can't believe you would do something like this"Viola accused, her eyes flashing with rage.

I wanted to defend myself, to explain, but I couldn't find the words.

"I don't know I don't know anything about this" I said, my voice pleading

"You're lying You're lying and you know it!"

"I'm not lying" I cried, my voice breaking. "I swear, I'm not lying"

Viola stepped forward, her face cold and hard. "Not only that, you're pregnant for him"

"That's not true!"I'm carrying your child oliver, I swear "

Oliver's eyes flashed with rage. "If I slap you, that thing will jump out of you" he yelled, his hand raised. "I'll send the picture to my mother, and she'll make sure everyone knows what you've done"

"Please, don't"

But Oliver wasn't listening. "Time's up, Get your bags and get out"

"I have nowhere to go,And besides, it's raining"

"Do you think we care?, My friend, get out" Viola said, her voice hard

And with that, she pushed me out the door and slammed it shut. I stood there, in the rain, feeling like I had been hit by a truck.

I picked up my bags, feeling lost and alone. It was dark and raining, and I had no idea where to go. I just kept walking, hoping to find somewhere, anywhere, to shelter from the storm.

As I walked in the dark and the rain, I had no idea where I was going. I was lost, exhausted, and wet to the bone. Then, out of nowhere, I was hit by a car. The last thing I remember was hearing people calling my name, before everything went black.

"Mom, Dad," I said, I was on video call with them "Did you see the picture?" I asked

"We saw it, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." King Micheal said

"It's all your fault, Dad, You forced me to marry her."

There was a long silence on the other end of the line. "We thought she was a good girl, We thought we were doing the right thing." King Micheal said

"I told you then, I told you she wasn't a good girl, but you wouldn't listen to me."

"But son, When I came to visit you, she was already pregnant"

"She must have been cheating, She's not the woman we thought she was."

"We're so sorry, son,We should have listened to you."

"It's okay, father, At least she's out of my life now."

"But she was such a good girl, I thought she was perfect for you." Queen Marigold said

"Mum, please,Can we just forget about her? She's not important will you both now give me the permission to marry the woman I love"

"Of course, dear,But we're curious about the woman you want to marry. When can we meet her?"

"Very soon," I said, a smile forming on my lips. "You'll love her, I promise."

My parents looked at each other, then back at me. "We trust your judgment," they said, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

Liam ran up to Diana and Ava"Have you guys heard?" he panted, out of breath.

"Heard what?" Ava asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Clara has been sent out of Prince Oliver's house" he said, his eyes wide.

"What?  Why?" Diana said

"She was caught with another man, and she's pregnant with his child,"

"That can't be true," Diana said, shaking her head.

"I'm not so sure, It seems like something is going on. Maybe we should go to the city and see what's going on." Ava said

Diana considered this for a moment, then nodded. "You're right, It's time to find out what's really happening."

I woke up in the hospital  "Where am I?"I said, my voice hoarse

"Thank goodness you're awake," Scarlett said

"What happened?" I asked

"You ran in front of my car last night, I'm so glad you're alive, and the babies are doing fine."

Babies? I thought. What is she talking about? "Babies?" I croaked, my head spinning. "I don't understand."

"You're pregnant," Scarlett said

"I know I'm pregnant, But what do you mean about the babies?"

Scarlett's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, You're carrying twins!"

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. "What?" I said, my voice barely a whisper.

Scarlett's face fell, and she reached out to take my hand. "I'm so sorry, This must be a lot to take in. Is everything okay?"

I shook my head, the tears streaming down my face. "I don't want these babies"

"Babies are a gift from God, You're so lucky to be carrying twins."

I shook my head, the tears falling harder. "You don't understand, You don't know my story. I can't have these babies."

Scarlett's face softened, and she reached out to take my hand. "It doesn't matter what your story is, You can't take your anger out on these innocent babies. They didn't do anything wrong."

"But where will I go? I'm homeless. I have nowhere to live." I cried, my voice raw with emotion

"Don't worry, You can stay with me. I'll take care of you and your babies."

I sobbed, overwhelmed by her kindness. I leaned into her embrace, and she held me as I cried.

"Everything will be okay," she whispered.

And in that moment, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe she was right. Maybe everything would be okay..........

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