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When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was grab my clothes and rush out of Oliver's room. I didn't want to wake him up and have to face him again. I was too ashamed and embarrassed to face him after what had happened the night

I rushed back to my room and quickly changed my clothes. As I stepped out of my room, I nearly ran into Oliver. He didn't even look at me, just kept walking.

"He doesn't remember," I whispered to myself, a mixture of relief and sadness washing over me. On the one hand, I was glad he didn't remember what had happened.


I picked up his phone and sent a text message to Caleb.

💬"I can't remember how I got home last night," I texted.

"💬Dude, you're a terrible drinker 😂," Caleb replied. "But in all seriousness, you drove yourself home. I saw you get into your car last night."

"Why can't I remember anything from last night?" I thought to myself. "Maybe I should ask Clara if she knows anything. No, that's not a good idea. I'm sure nothing happened. I would have remembered if I had done anything stupid."

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, though. It was like there was a blank space in my memory.

The phone rang, and I answered it

📲"Hey, guess what?" said Voila, her voice bubbling with excitement. "I'm coming back today!"

📲"Really?, You're not going to change your mind again?"

📲"Not at all!, I'll text you my flight information. Can you pick me up at the airport?"

📲"Absolutely!" I said as I hang the call

"Clara!" I yelled, and she rushed into the room.

"Sir?" she said

"Voila is coming back today! I need you to prepare something special for her arrival. I'm going to pick her up from the airport."I didn't wait for her to respond, and just walked away


Diana dialed Clara's number again, and this time she picked up.

📲"Finally!" Diana said

📲"What's wrong?"

Diana took a deep breath before answering. "📲Your mother is dead."

The line went silent, and then the call disconnected.Diana stared at her phone in disbelief. Had Clara hung up on her? Or had something else happened? She tried calling back, but it went straight to voicemail................


I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. I heard the front door open, and I knew it must be them. I rushed to the door to greet them.

"Welcome back, sir and ma'am," I said, my voice quivering.
They both nodded and walked past me

"Sir, I have something to tell you," I said, my voice faltering. They both stopped and turned to face me.

"Go ahead," Oliver said

"I just received a call from home," I said, my words spilling out in a rush. "My mother has passed away.

"So?" Viola said

"I was hoping I could be given some time off to pay my last respects," I said

"No way you're going anywhere," Oliver said, his voice like steel.

"Sir, I just told you I want to pay my last respects," I said, my voice wavering.

"I don't care, Clara,"You're not going anywhere."

My heart sank, and I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. "But she's my mother. Please,"

"To hell with whoever's dead," Viola said "You're not going anywhere."

"Please, I promise to come back, I just want to pay my last respects to her. I need to say goodbye."

"Clara, your mother's soul may rest in peace, It's not necessary to pay her any 'stupid' last respects. You're not going anywhere. And don't bring this up again." Viola said

With that, they both turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, feeling crushed. I wanted to scream, to shout, to make them understand, but I knew it was pointless..............

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