Chapter 7.2

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Chapter Seven: Super Cousin

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"Hey" he said trying to seat up, then Oliver walked in the room and his smiled dropped.

"Get out" James told him.

"Listen James...I..." Oliver tried to get the words out "I want to apologize for what I did you" he said half heartedly.

"You put me in the hospital!"

"You pushed me! Kissing my girlfriend!" Oliver snapped.

"Oliver!" Kara turned to him.

"Kara i love you and Barry but i truly cannot apology for something I'm not sorry for!" Oliver said.

"You did what?!"

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"You did what!?" The three turned their heads to fine Clark and Lois standing there "Would someone care to explain why my best friend is in the hospital"

"He did it" James said instantly. "Oh Rao" Kara muttered.

"Why is Oliver Queen here?" Lois asked.

"You know who he is?"

"Yeah..." Lois said "Oliver Queen, playboy, rich, stranded on an island of five years, CEO of Queen Consolidated" she said "You wrote a whole article criticizing him!"

"Say what now?" Oliver asked.

"No you must have a misunderstanding," Kara started "Oliver and i are dating" she said slowly.

Kara's phone interrupted the tense silence she checked to see who was calling her "It's Barry" she whispered to Oliver knowing Clark heard her "I'll take this outside, please don't say anything until I get back" she told Oliver then walked to her cousin "Please don't hurt him" she said kissing Clark's cheek.

She walked outside the room. The phone still ringing "Hello" she answered the phone.

"Hello gorgeous"

She giggled and said;

"Hello handsome"
"What's up"

"I just wanted to see where you guys were"

"We're still at the hospital, is something wrong?"

"No. I just have a little surprise for the both of you"

Kara could hear him flirting to her over the phone. "Well we'll be there in a sec" she told him.

"Bye Love you!"

"Love you too!"

She hanged up and walked into the room to see Clark standing inches away from Oliver with his fist closed.

"Clark!" Kara rushed over to them pushing Clark away from Oliver she looked over to see James smiling "What did you tell him!?"

"I told him the truth" James said. Kara sighed and turned to Oliver "We have to go...Barry needs us"

"Is everything alright?"

"Who the hell is Barry!?"

"Everything's fine" Kara told Oliver "He just needs us..."

"Who is Barry!?"

"Their lover" James said.

"This is why you're in the hospital bed!" Oliver shouted. "Oliver!" Kara said "Let's go" she grabbed his hand and they left the room.

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A/N: Another's update yay!

There might or might not be smut in the next chapter.


How do you think Clark and Lois would react to meeting Oliver aging and Barry for the first time?

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