Chapter 2.2

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Chapter Two: Week End Away

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"Sure Starlight" he kissed her forehead. He looked over her to see Barry "Goodnight speedster" he kissed Barry's head and they went to sleep.

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The Next Morning:

Kara woke up to the smell of breakfast and light singing, she online felt on me arm around her waist, she looked over her shoulder to find a sleeping Barry.

She slowly moved Barry's arm off of her waist and raised up from the bed not wanting to wake him. She realized that she was naked (and blushed at what had remembered happened the night before) so she grabbed one of their shirts and walked out the room.


Kara's POV

I walked down the hall of Barry's cabin, following the sound of sizzling bacon, a soft sining voice, and of course the smell of amazing food.

I make it to the kitchen, to find Oliver wearing black jogging pants shirtless while cooking breakfast sining to 'You Belong With Me' by Taylor Swift.

"Thinking to myself" he voice matched the lyrics "Hey isn't this easy?" I chuckled which caused him to notice my presence, he turned around still singing "You've got a smile that could light up this whole town" he walked over to me and wrapped his hands around waist.

The music kept playing as he kissed me, the kiss wasn't long but it was good."Good morning" he whispered against my lips.

"Good morning" I giggled "I didn't know that Oliver Queen sings" i told him as he went back to cooking.

"He doesn't" he looked at him with seriousness written all over his face as it always does "Which is why you cannot tell Barry or anyone"


Third person's POV

"Oh" a cocky voice came from behind them "Barry knows" Barry said with a grin on his face as he held his phone in his hand.

Kara giggled at this while Oliver groaned. "Hey! Send me a copy!" She pointed at Barry.

"Nu uh! You got to experience it live action!" He told her.

"No one's getting a copy. Delete it" Oliver joined the conversation.

"No way! I got live video footage of Oliver Jonas Queen singing to a Taylor Swift song" Barry shook his head "I'm not deleting that!" As he stuck his phone in his pocket.

Kara sure her super speed to grabs Barry phone out of his pocket and send her the video and placed it back before he sat down.

Kara's phone buzzed, knowing it was from Barry, so she opened the text and saw the video from Oliver singing. She laughed and showed the boys her phone as Barry laughed and Oliver only groaned.

"You don't get to show that to anybody!" He pointed to Kara "Either of you!" He then pointed between the two, the Speedster and Kryptonian held up their hands in defense.

The music stopped and Oliver sat three plates on the table including his own "Breakfast is served" he said.

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After eating the three sat down on the couch and started to talk about their relationship. They decided that they would all date, in that conversation Kara came out as Polysexual, (she had figured this out before she met Mon-El but never told anyone bedsides her close family and friends), Barry, doing the conversation, made the discovery of him being Bisexual, and Oliver coming out as Bisexual, (He's always been bisexual just hasn't told besides his team, family and friends), now all that was left to talk about is telling everyone.

"I say we keep it a secret" Barry said. Kara looked at him confused.

"Nope" Oliver shook his head "If I keep this a secret from my team Felicity and Thea will kill me"

"Yeah and I'm not keeping this a secret from my team" Kara agreed "I have this crinkle when i lie, and Alex will be the first to notice and start questioning me" she shook her head.

"Look I want to tell my team to, but Iris is still pinning after me," he told them "and plus I want this to be just and us thing until we're ready to tell everyone" Barry added.

"Alright" Oliver nodded.

"Okay" Kara agreed.

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