Chapter 6.1

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Chapter Six: Combined Earths

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Barry was running while Oliver was riding behind him until he came to a stop and he saw his girlfriend flying above him.

"What the-" he just stared as she floated down in front of him and Oliver.

"What are you doing on my earth?" That was the first thing that came out of Kara's mouth.

"Your earth?" Oliver asked

"This is our-" Barry stopped as he looked around "This is not our earth" he shook his head "This isn't any restaurant or buildings in Star or Central City"

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After finding out that this was not their earths Barry, Oliver, and Kara went back to Kara's apartment and the next day they went to the DEO to tell Kara's team what happened, Oliver had called his team to come and Barry did the same with Team Flash.

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National City - The DEO

"Wait..." Felicity said "So your saying that, Earth One, our earth, and Earth Thirty-Eight, Kara's earth, are combined?" She said repeating the words that had left Barry's mouth a few seconds ago.

Everyone was trying to comprehend what was happening.

Harry opened his mouth ready to blame Barry but Barry shut him down. "No Harry, I have not gone back in time" he told him.

"Well nine out of ten that happened to us is always you going back in time" Harry shrugged.

"That is not true!"

"Yes it is" Team Flash and Team Arrow nodded.

"It is very true baby" Oliver told his boyfriend. Barry's mouth dropped.

"Look blaming Barry isn't important right now," Kara started "Thanks" Barry smiled at her "We need to figure out what's different and what's the same" she said.

"Well we know one things that different" Thea spoke up "Our mothers alive" she held up her phone to show who was calling her.

Oliver's breath hitched, Barry rubbed his back.l "You okay?" He asked Oliver.

"Yeah" he nodded. "Speedy you take the call while we find everything else different and same" Oliver told his sister who nodded and walked away.

Kara's phone beeped, "Damn it" she muttered "I'm late for work" she told them "Call me if you need or find something!" She walked over to thee balcony with Oliver and Barry followed her.

"We love you" Barry and Oliver said at the same time.

"I love you too" she smiled "Both of you"

She kissed both of them on the cheek and flew off to CatCo.

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Kara rushed off the elevator to find Cat Grant waiting for her. "Kiera" Cat said calmly.

"Ms Grant" Kara said "Sorry I'm late! I got caught up in some personal issues with a few friends" she told her boss.

"It's fine" Cat said. Kara looked at her boss confused. Normally when she was late Cat would bite off her head.

"Now I need you to go to Stat City" Cat turned and walked towards her office.

"St-Star City? Why?" Kara followed her boss.

"Because I need you to get a interview on Oliver Queen and taking on the legacy of his father"

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Yay! A longer chapter! So...a visit to Star City let's see how that goes

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