Chapter 1.2

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Chapter One: Earth One

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Soon the door opened and she saw the owner of the home walking in.

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Kara froze as her Super friend saw her, Kara gave him a soft smile.

"Kara?" He asked.

"Hi Barry" she waved.

He ran up to her, he wrapped his hands around her waist lifting her off the ground hugging her spinning her around.

"Woah!" Kara giggled. Barry sat her down "Not that I didn't love the welcoming, but why so happy to see little old me?" She asked with the biggest smile on her face.

"I've just..." he paused "I've just missed you" he pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I've missed you to, Superfriend" she smiled as Barry chuckled.

"So where's Iris?" Kara asked then noticing that Barry's lips went from a smile to a frown. "Why the face Flash?" She asked.

"I would have thought Lena had told you," Barry sighed "Iris and i broke up" he told her.

"Aww, Bar, I'm sorry" she patted his shoulder.

Kara was truly sorry for Barry and Iris's brake up, but on the inside she was kind of happy. She would never admit this to herself or anyone especially Barry himself, when they first met and she was using him to make James jealous, she caught feelings for him. Then Mon-El came along sort of getting rid of those feelings that she for Barry. But when he came for her to fight the Dominators those feelings began to rise and he introduced her to Oliver sure he pissed her off when they first met by benching her, but feeling began to stir inside of her for the both of them forgetting about the alien back on her earth until she got back, she never acted on her feeling for the both of them and just got with Mon-El, burying those feelings deep down.

"Wait" Kara paused "Why would Lena tell me that you and Iris broke up?" She asked. Bench

"Oh, you don't know?" Barry asked, Kara shook her head. "Lena and Harry are dating" he said.

Kara choked. When did that happen? How long has she been moping? "When-When did this happen?" She asked.

"About last week or so" Barry shrugged "How come you didn't know? I thought you and Lena were like best friends" Barry asked walking over to his kitchen. "Hungry?"

"Starving" she told him they both laughed. And Kara started to tell him, "We are" Kara paused "I've just been a little sad" she said whispering the last part but Barry heard her.

He could also hear to the frown on her face. "What's happened" he turned to face her.

"Mon-El" she sighed.

Barry instantly went into protective mode. He had to admit, he didn't like Mon-El when Kara had told him what he had done. Laying to her about where he's from? Unacceptable, he also didn't like him because he was dating his Superfriend, and his crush. Barry also had feelings for Kara but since he was with Iris he never acted on them.

"What did he do this time?" Barry asked.

"Nothing" Kara sighed "But he mother and his people tried to take over my earth and in order to get rid of them i had to press a button that kills Daxamites and I got Mon-El into the ship I landed on earthy with in time for him to leave but i don't know if he's-"

"Dead or alive?" Barry finished her sentence.

"Yeah" she sighed.

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Hours later Barry had made Kara some grilled cheese (because that was all he could make), they were now sitting on his couch watching an musical.

"You know what we should do?" Barry suddenly got an idea out of nowhere. Kara looked at him amused "We should go on a trip" he said.

"That sounds fun!"

"Yeah! The three of us!" Barry said.

"Three of us?" Kara repeated.

"Yeah! You, me, and Oliver!" He exclaimed pulling out his phone.

"Okay!" She said.

Great! Her super friend who is also her crush and their other best friend who just so happens to be her other crush! All three of them alone in a cabin. What could go wrong? Well nothing actually, unless it has something to do with their cities.

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At the Cabin

"Barry where are we?" Oliver asked as he jumped out of his car all three of them grabbing their own bags. Well Kara tried but Oliver only stopped her.

"Oliver, I can carry my own bag!" She exclaimed "In fact I can carry all of our bags!" She said in a proud voice.

"Nope, a beautiful lady such as yourself shouldn't carry her own bags" Oliver shook his head.

Kara blushed at his words. "One, Oliver this is my dads cabin" Barry turned to face to two "and second, are you flirting with her?" There was a bit of jealousy in Barry's voice which both Oliver and Kara heard, which made Oliver chuckle.

"Don't worry Barry," Oliver walked over his his friend "I won't still your girl" he winked as he patted him on the shoulder.

This time both of the super friends were blushing.

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Oliver Queen making people blush since 2012

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