Chapter 3.1

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Chapter Three: One Minute

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That night Kara slept peacefully with both of her boyfriends by her side.

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Kara was finished packing when she felt two arms around her waist. She had gotten used to the arms so she could easily tell which pair were Barry or Oliver's.

She laid her head onto his chest. "Your arms are so warm" she told him.

"I guess it comes with being a speedster" he mumbled into her ear.

"Where's Ollie?" She turned to face him wrapping her hands around his neck.

"Loading the trunk with our bags" he gave her peck on the lips "Are you sure you can't drive back to the city with us?"

"Why go back to S.T.A.R Labs if i could have my own goodbyes with you two?" she asked "Plus no one knew I was here, so it wouldn't be a goodbye it'd be hello then..."

"A goodbye" Oliver finished her sentence.

"Right" Kara nodded. She turned back around and grabbed her bag and extrapolator "You," she faced Barry "No time travel and creating flashpoints! Causing something that could screw up the timeline!" She pointed her finger in his face "Understand?"

"Yes" Barry nodded "I leave you alone with Oliver for one minute and he tells you everything" he grumbled as Oliver smirked.

"And you," she turned to Oliver "Don't be going almost dying while I'm 37 earths away!" She waved her finger in his face this time.

"One minute!" Oliver grumbled. Kara gave him a firm look "Okay" he nodded.

"Good!" She smiled happily and pecked both of them on the lips "I'll see you both later!"

They both nodded as she opened the breach, before stepping in she kissed both of them on the lips.

"Just had to get one last kiss"

"Starlight, it won't be a last kiss" Oliver cupped her cheeks.

"Yeah," Barry grabbed her hands "We'll have more in the future" he told her "With one just like this"

Barry kissed her lips.

"And like this"

Oliver kissed her neck.

"And the kisses will go down to here" Barry made his index finger move all the way down to Kara's pants then stuck in hands in them cupping her pussy making her gasp.

"I-I-I should probably go" Kara said having trouble speaking.

"Yeah" the boys pulled away slowly not wanting to let her go.

"See you later" she grabbed her bag and went through the breach.

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Kara stepped out of the portal to find her sister sitting on her couch with a beer bottle in her hand.

"Alex?" Kara called out.

Alex looked up at her sister "Kara!" She jumped off the couch "Where the hell have you been!?" She hugged her tightly and then pushed her.


She was cut off my Alex still yelling. "Do you know what we've been through looking for you!? We thought you had killed yourself on a secret supergirl mission! Or just gotten yourself killed!"

"Wait did you actually think I'd commit suicide!?" Kara asked "Over Mon-El dying!?" She scoffed. She loved Mon-El but enough to kill herself over his death, they aren't Romeo and Juliet.

"Well Kara you've been so depressed lately we've jumped through so many options!"

"I was on Earth-One!"

"We called Harry and Felicity you weren't in any of their city's!"

"Barry and Oliver took me on a trip so Barry could get over his brake up and Iris and I can get over Mon-El!"

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