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I was walking down the silent halls when the danger whistle went off somewhere in the building

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I was walking down the silent halls when the danger whistle went off somewhere in the building. Oh no, that can only mean one thing!

A monster!

In seconds I began to run in to direction of the sound. It didn't take me long to find the place where it happened. It was a horrible scene to watch when I arrived.

The green blob monster sat in the vent half burning while Yeong-su was screaming. Hyun-su was arguing with Seung-wan, Byeong-il, and Hye-in telling them it wouldn't hurt them.

Their fear took over because Byeong-il turned the flame thrower towards the green blob burning it. Yeong-su screamed louder for them to stop.

I couldn't watch anymore and pushed past Hyun-su. Grabbing the hot part of the weapon I pulled from Byeong-il's grasp before snapping it in two in my hands.

"Are you deaf? It won't do anything!" The three of them looked in fear at me making me think that my eyes had turned black.

Throwing the broken weapon at their feet I turned back around and saw Hyun-su looking at me with the guy standing behind him a little further.

Ignoring him for now I ran past them after the green monster who had fled back into the vents half-on fire. I think I know where it was going and I hope I wasn't too late to save it.

On my way there I grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall before running to the spot. It was the same spot we found Yeong-su hiding in.

I ripped the vent door off before looking into it. I saw green slime and burn marks on it.

"Hey, here! It's me!"

I could hear it a little further, but I think it was scared or worse dying.

Without any other choice, I crawled inside and went looking for it. I was right when I thought it was close. I just had to turn the corner to find it smashing itself against the wall trying to extinguish the fire.

Without wasting time I took the extinguisher and turned it on towards it. I held it on the green blob for a while to make sure that all the fire was out.

After I made sure that it was out I turned it off and looked at the little monster. It was lying down breathing hard.

Quickly I crawl towards the green monster trying to see if I could help him more. It seems like he was in pain. I bite my lip trying to think what I could do.

There was no way for me to carry it in my arms it would only slip through it, but I couldn't just leave it alone here.

So I took off the black sweater of Hyun-su before taking off my plaid flannel. Carefully I laid it on the monster, before putting the sweater back on. It was still cold here and I'm going to need it if it gets colder.

Trying not to hurt it more I wrapped the flannel around it, before gently picking it up. It was a struggle to get back to the opening with it in my arms, but I managed to do it.

Man or a Monster (Sweet home fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now