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I took a moment in the vent to think about what or where I should go next

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I took a moment in the vent to think about what or where I should go next. The laundry room wasn't far from the main hallway.

There is a good chance that someone could be there. Let's start there and go further if I don't see anything. I was just hoping that most people got a chance to hide.

Let them be safe, please.

It took me some time, but I found a vent hole so I could see where I was. My eyes widened when I saw the scene in front of me.

All the residents were huddled together in what looked like a marked-off circle. Men were surrounding them with weapons.

"No," I murmured seeing Ji-eun on the ground with a shot wound in her back.

By the blood that surrounded her, I could tell she was dead.

"Facking bastards." I could feel my hands shake with anger.

The leader a least he looked like it, was talking to the residents. I try to listen carefully while looking at everyone else.

If I could only tell them that I was here and could help, but that would mean that the men could see me too. I need to find something where I could give them a sign.

My eyes widened when I saw Eun-hyuk stand up.

"You idiot. You're going to get yourself killed." I cursed under my breath.

Luckily Eun-yu quickly pulled her brother back down. My eyes scanned the other people and I saw that some people were missing.

Yi-kyung, Sang-wook, and even Yeong-su were missing.

They are probably still here somewhere. Maybe I should try to find them seeing I can't do much here now.

"Please be safe guys," I whisper one last time before crawling further.

I had no idea where the rest of the vent would lead me, but as long as I'm not going up or down I'm good. A squishing sound came from underneath my hand making me stop.

When I pulled my hand to my face I saw what looked like green slime on it. It looked somewhat familiar to me, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it before.

I looked up and saw a trail of green coming from around the corner. Let's follow the green slime I guess.

Carefully I began to follow the trail. This could possibly be very dangerous seeing that it's most likely a monster, but at this point what do I get to lose?

The trail suddenly came to a stop making me frown.

"What the?"

It can't just vanish in thin air, right? There isn't another way than just going straight. A squishing together with a dripping sound came from above me.

Quickly I looked up and saw a green blob in the vent that led upstairs. For a few seconds, we just stared at each other. If would be evil it could have killed me before I saw it.

"Uhm, hey?" I waved at it unsure what to do.

To my surprise, it waved back to me. Slowly it began to come down before it landed with a plop sound in front of me. It kind of had the height of a child, but other than that it was just a green blob.

"Can you help me? I need to find some of my friends who are running around here. A lady and a man with a burn scar on his face. Have you seen them?" I don't even know if it could understand me at all.

To my surprise, it looked like it nodded his head.

The green blob began to make its way through the vent, but stopped when he saw that I wasn't following him.

He asked me to follow him before moving forward again.

Okay, I'm following the green slim blob monster.

We came to a corner and he pointed at it. I looked around the corner and just had the chance to see who I thought was Yi-kyung going out of the vent.

Turning back to the green Blob to say thank you, saw that he was gone.

Bye, I guess.

Quickly I went to the opening hoping I would have the chance to catch up with Yi-kyung.

When I jumped down from the vent I didn't see anyone.

Why is she so fast?

The sound of fighting came from my right so I quickly went that way. There's no doubt in my mind it wouldn't be Yi-kyung or Sang-wook.

Those two are not going down without a fight. Peaking around the corner I saw two bodies lying on the ground.

Yi-Kyung was too busy bringing a guy down while Sang-wook watched to see another guy sneak up behind.  Quickly I walked up to the guy grabbing his arm and neck before making him into the wall next to me and knocking him out.

I let out a sigh before looking up and seeing the two watch me with a surprised look on their faces.

"Thank God I found you two." I breathe out

"Mi-na, they didn't catch you?" Yi-kyung asked and to my surprise, she pulled me in a hug.

I didn't expect this from her at all, but I gently patted her back.

"No, I have been avoiding them by going through the vents. They have everyone together at the main entrance. Those bastards already killed Ji-eun and I'm afraid a lot will follow if we don't do anything." I explained before pulling away.

"For now let's find a place to hide so we can discuss what we could do," Yi-kyung suggested.

Seeing that we are in the open and people could come up to us from a few directions I agreed with her. The three of us silently began to make our way to a safer place.

"You do know how to fight, kid," Sang-wook said from behind me.

I let out a chuckle.

"I needed to or I wouldn't be standing here." I simply answer.

We came to an for and I peeked inside the hallway with Yi-kyung.

"Noona," A voice made me look up and to my surprise, I saw Yeong-su.

Sang-wook walked past me to grab him from the vent.

"Why did you go in there?" Sang-wook asked the scared boy kneeling in front of him.

"My mission was to hide, but I saw Yi-kyung. She's a secret agent too. And Grandpa wasn't coming back. I was scared."

I put my hand on his head ruffling his hair a little.

"You did a good thing by hiding."

A sound from above us made us all turn to look at it. Sang-wook and Yi-kyung had their weapons ready to use if something attacked us.

My eyes widened when I saw the green slime blob. Before I could say something Yeong-su spoke up.


The three of us looked at him surprised.

"It saved me!"

So it not only helped me but him as well.

"He's right."

The two adults looked at me.

"It helped me too. He won't hurt us." I tried to reassure them that it was safe.

The both of them were hesitant at first, but they eventually lowered their weapons.

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