Cute moments

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How can Miguel be so sweet and nice? He's so caring. I love it!

I wasn't really in the mood to go to continue the chemistry class, so I'm gonna left school secretly, without saying anything to no-one. Because if I'll say, they'll ask me so many questions and I don't want to get stressed again. Of course I'll explain to Miguel the situation. I know Lemon threatened me to don't but I'm not scared of her.

I slowly got out of the girls restrooms. As I crossed the boys restrooms, I saw Harry (Sophie's ex boyfriend) with some other guys talking. I overheard their conversation:

"Dude Lemon is ugly as fuck. I'm not even able to understand how you find her attractive" a guy said to Harry.

"For real, she's so pick me. She has nice big ass, I can't say something bad about it, but she's too pick me to date" some other guy added. Damn, firstly I got super excited until I heard about her ass. I immediately took out my phone to record their conversation. Sophie has told me that everything that has to do with Harry, I have record it to show her later. Whether to take video or record. In this case of course, since I couldn't video him, I recorded his conversation with his friends.

"Well she's beautiful but not gorgeous. Lemon has nothing more than a big ass. That's why I date her. I don't actually love her" Harry explained.

"Then you're good. As long as you like this way" and they continued their conversation that I didn't pay much attention because they were talking in general about girls.

I quickly got out of the building so that no teacher would see me quiting school. I waited outside for Miguel. Strange because I didn't see Lemon. I saw Miguel in his car. I got closer. He parked his car and went out.

"Hey baby!"

"Hi Miguel..." he opened the door for me and I sat. He then returned to his seat.

"Let me hug you" he said.

"Wait no. Lemon is outside and probably hiding. If she'll see us kissing or hugging, she'll record it and show it to your parents"

"How do you know it?"

"I'm not a new one. I know her tricks"

"Yeah true... Well I have an idea. I was thinking, if you want of course, to go on a second date. How about that? Just to clear your mind and spend time together"

"What do you think that I'm going to reply?"


"Yes! Is it going to be a surprise like the first time?"


"I'm curious!"


On our way, I described him how the things turned out. And he totally agreed with me. I was a bit surprised. I was expecting that he would support his sister, at least for 1%, but he didn't.

"I hope it won't take forever to go to our surprise date"

"No it won't take fortunately. Actually is a place that I believe will make us forget a little bit about your problems with my sister. I don't know if you'll like it.."

"It'll be perfect. I'm sure" and I touched his right hand which was at the speed of the car. He then took it and kissed it. I blushed. He didn't took his eyes from the road.



"Even if I'm not looking at you, I know you just blushed" I giggled.

"And how do you know it, Mr Genius?"

"I know it 'cause whatever I do or say about you, you always blush. And I only know you a week, Ms Shorty"

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