Meeting my new teacher

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"What?! Why?"

"Because we heard that he was in a relationship with his student. So we didn't want the same situation happen to you."

"Only for your security..." My mum added.

"What an idiot... So when will I meet my new teacher?"

"In 10 minutes"

"Wow.. that's a bit quick. I'll take a shower, change my clothes and I will be back."

"Okay sweetie but don't be late..."

"I won't mum!"

I went upstairs. What my teacher can be like? I thought as the hot water was running over my body. But my thoughts were interrupted from the ringing of the bell.

I took and wrapped myself in a towel and went to my bedroom.

The situation downstairs:

My mum went to open the door. "Oh Miguel! Hello!" she greet and hug him.

"Hello Ms Alyssa!" Miguel said.

"Don't stand at the door! Come in, come in!"
Miguel stepped inside the house.

"How is your parents?" my dad asked him.

"Pretty well. Thank you for asking. Finally, my mother find a job after 3 months of unemployment." Miguel said.

"Glad to hear that! Come on sit on the couch with us!". Miguel sat on the couch. There was silence...

"So where is Ava?" Miguel asked. My mum was smiling awkwardly to him until he spoke.

"Oh yeah... Wait a sec..." my mum said. She stood up and went to the stairs.

"Ava, what are you doing upstairs? Your teacher is waiting to meet you!"

The situation upstairs:

I wore something comfortable since I'm home. I wore a tracksuit and a sweatshirt. Μy mum is shouting from the living room to go downstairs.

"Coming!!" I shouted back. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror, left the room and headed for the stairs.

The situation downstairs:

"Finally!" my dad said to me outraged.

"Sorry for the delay but I was taking a shower."

"Well this is your new teacher, Miguel, but you're gonna call him Mr Mora. He is the son of a friend of mine and he is excellent in his studies. So from now on, he will answer and explain all your questions about school subjects."

He extended his hand for a handshake.
Ahhh he's so handsomeee. He has long curly brown hair and brown eyes. His curls are SO cute. He's tall and looks fit from his arm.

I extended my hand for handshake too. He put his left hand up to my hand while the handshaking. His hands are so big. My hands look tiny in front of his.

"Nice to meet you Ava" he said in a deep voice and a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you too Mr Mora" I said and smiled back. OMG it's a dream to have eye-contact with himmm.

"So when will we start our studies. " He asked and he continued looking at me.

"Shall we treat you something?" my dad asked.

"No, thank you Mr Julian."

"Okay then" my dad turned in front to face with the TV.

"Well... Do you want to give me a tour of your house before we start studying?" Miguel asked me.

"Yeah sure! Let's go upstairs. You have already seen the down floor." I replied with a smile and he winked at me.

Wow... What was that? I thought. Anyway, we firstly went to show him the bathroom and then my room. There was no reason to show him the bedroom where my parents are sleeping.

"Nice house. I really love your room." he said impressed.

"Oh.. thanks! Okay shall we start studying?" I asked.

"Yeah sure..."

I sat on my chair which was in front of my desk. He sat on a chair next to me. REALLY close to me.

"Well I mostly have a problem with maths..." I said to break the ice. "I cannot understand equations and-" I was about to say statistics but I was interrupted by him. He was staring at me all the time while I was trying to explain my problem in maths.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?"

To be continued...

A/N: heyyy
I knowww it's really short, but I promise the other chapters, won't be!

My new teacher MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now