The surprise

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"You know I'm not dumb! If you won't tell me, I will-" I was cut by his action, when he showed me what was behind his back. A beautiful emerald bracelet. The entire bracelet was covered with this green gemstone. I feel so stupid.

"You will what?" Miguel asked me smirking.

"I..." I started speaking.

"You don't know what to say? This reminds me of our first meeting. When I first kissed your cheek"

I looked back on this particular moment which seems like it was months ago but it was just yesterday.

"This is for you. Hypothetically, I would ask you the next week to be my girlfriend but as the things turned out... Will you be my girlfriend?" The love in his eyes. I'm too ashamed to look him in the eye, let alone accept the jewel. This moment was embarrassing for me and he knew it. I finally looked at him.

"Do you know that you're cute even when you're embarrassed? You blush. And I like it..." I immediately hugged him and then kissed him.

"Yes!!! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" He pulled me to kiss me again. When we pulled out, he put the bracelet on my wrist.

"I love it! Thank you thank you so much Miguel!!!"
And we started kissing again. After some minutes, we started talking.

"So we are an official couple now?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Unless you want to break up with me..."

"NO! Ugh.. I'm sorry... But you know all the things came too fast for me. You are my first boyfriend and the first boy that have treated me like that."

"And I won't stop treating you like that" he kissed my cheek. "And you know it's okay. I didn't really get mad at you. I was just shocked from your actions but you were right. I'm sorry too" he pulled me into a hug. It feels so right. Because I've always wondering how it must be to have a boyfriend that he really likes you. And don't playing with your heart. I was just lucky to have Miguel as my first boyfriend. I hope and my first and last husband. You're really annoying you know that? This voice it's so irritating.

"So... You still want these guitar lessons?" he asked me.

"Yup! I meant it when I said it" I answered. I sat on his bed. He went to bring the guitar. His room it's so beautiful decorated. And it's clean... He's literally a boy in a high level. And it smelled too good to be a boy's bedroom. After all of my thoughts he came back with the guitar and sat on his bed besides me.

"So we're gonna start learning some basic notes that every beginner should know". He played and explained some notes to me. I was listening to him but I was more focused on his voice and his hands while touching and playing the guitar.

"Let's just say that this is the theory. Let's move on to the practical part". He gave me his guitar. I was looking at the guitar like it was something strange. I tried to hold it in the correct way.

"Let me help you with that" he said me. He moved a little behind me and put his hands through mine. He took my right hand and put it to the correct place it the guitar and he did it too with my left hand. Then he took my fingers and placed them at the right point. HE TOUCHED MY HANDS OH MY GOD! I couldn't think something else. He gave me so many butterflies only by his touch.

"Okay yeah I think that you're good. So play the note fa". And somehow I got it correct!

"Good! Now the G note" I got it wrong this time.

"Okay let me show you..." He moved again a little behind my back and touched my fingers that were gonna play the G note.

"Got it?"

My new teacher MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now