Bad day until his appearance

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I felt a tap on my back while I was sleeping on my face. "Ava.." I heard a sweet voice talking to me. It was my mum.

"Mmm..." I groaned in my sleep.

"Me and your father have to go somewhere earlier. It's 6:00 AM, so when you wake up don't try to find us."

"Okay... Bye.."

"Bye sweetie!" My mum kissed my head and left my room, LEAVING THE DOOR OPEN. Just why? I heard from downstairs the key locking the door and I got up to close the door of my room. When I lay back on my bed, I thought I'd sleep for an hour since I had time before school. I closed my eyes for ten minutes but I couldn't sleep. So I decided to start getting ready just to have time to relax on the couch in the living room.

I got up, made my bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my skincare. Then I picked up my clothes that I was going to wear: a short jean overall and a black t-shirt.

I went downstairs to make my breakfast.  Nothing special: Cereal with milk. I ate my breakfast on the couch. My parents don't let me eat in the living room, so it was a good chance! I watched a bit of my favourite series and looked at the time. God, only 7:00 AM?! What am I gonna do one hour?

Today we will get our books so we will also get our school bags. Theoretically, we receive the books on the first day, but I don't know why this year it didn't happen like the others... And who knows how many kilos my back will carry today...

Unfortunately none of my parents won't be able to pick me up after the school by car because they are at work. So I'll have to walk home by myself. I don't live too far but not too close either. About 7 minutes walk.

Since I had nothing to do but wait, I decided to pull my hair up into a high bun and put some mascara. Little of everything I did, would pass the time.

Ughhh only 7:20? Okay I'll start my way to school now and I'll be waiting everyone to come. I thought. So I began my way to the jail- I mean to the school :)

While I was walking, I was thinking so many things, especially Miguel. He give me butterflies when I think of him. And I was finally at school. I went to my class, where nobody was there and sat on my desk. I was watching some reels on Instagram until I got a call from my mom.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey sweetheart! Me and your father finished our work and now we are going to our jobs."

"So no-one can drive me back home? I'll have SO many books to carry on!"

"Unfortunately, no..." There was a long silence.
"But... I have an idea! I'll ask your father okay?"

"Umm, okay?! Bye!"

"Bye!" We hang up. What type of idea? Anyway it was 7:45 AM and my teacher entered our class.

"Good morning Ava! I see you come up earlier than the other days!" my favourite teacher, Mr Smith, told me. He's teaching Physics. I used not to like this subject, until Mr Smith came to our school 2 years ago.

"Good morning Mr Smith! How are you today?"

"Fine thank you for asking. And you?"

"I think I'm good..." I said with a little giggle at the end of my response.


"Today we're going to receive our school books, right?"


"No-one from my home can pick me up by the car. My parents are at work."

"Oh... I used to feel the same pain too, actually. But I was living about 35-40 minutes far from my house" he giggled too.

"I don't want to experience something like that!".

The bell rang and all the students were in their classes. Wow the time passed really quick, talking with my teacher. And of course, I saw Camilla and Sophie.

Mr Smith gave as our daily schedule and told us in which class we were going to go to take the books.

"Class number 60? That's on the third floor!" I complained.

"I'm too tired to go up all those steps!" Camilla complained too.

"Yes, but whining like babies doesn't help! Let's end this and go home!" Sophie tried to show us that she has positive energy, but we saw her how she was looking at the stairs scared.

"Pfff okay..." Me and Camilla said at the same tone and time. We went upstairs and get our big, black bags which inside of them were the books. Then we went downstairs and we finally were in the school yard. Me and my best friends  were standing at the exit of the school. We were talking until I saw a boy approaching me. I couldn't recognise him because he was wearing a hood.

"Hey Ava!" a heard his deep voice. His physiognomy was known until he was right in front of me. I know him...

"Hey Miguel...!!!

To be continued...

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