Why her?

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"The real question is what are you doing here Lemon?!"

"I'm living in this house... WAIT-" Lemon said. She's living in this house? Her lies can't stop, like- OH! This time can't be lying...

"You're...?" She started.

"You're...?" We were both shocked and we had the same face expression.

"So you're telling that my brother picked YOU as his special guest?!"

"And so you're telling me that you're his sister?!" I asked Lemon but the answer was obvious. And not only mine, but and hers too.

"I see my brother's student. And I can understand why his student have problem on maths..." She gave emphasis on maths. Just why my life is like that?

"I see your brother is smarter than you. Probably because he's not trying to find someone to fuck with, like you"

"You will bitterly regret it" she told me. I raised my eyebrows because I knew that she wasn't gonna do something to me.

She was about to leave the bathroom, until she stood next to me. We were on opposite sides. She whispered in my ear.

"Trust me, this thing ain't gonna work. If you think that my brother and you are gonna spending time together for your school problems, then you're more stupid than I thought" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"And what are you going to do about it, huh? You can't separate us. Our parents are friends!" I yelled at her.

"And? Because our parents and have a strong friendship, doesn't mean that we have to do too. You are going to regret being close with Miguel" she continued the whispers and left the bathroom.

Of course I'm not scared. She can't do something to me anyways. Just imagine if she knew the truth about me and Miguel in reality. I giggled with my thoughts. I washed my hands and went downstairs. I walked to the dining room and I tried to force myself that I didn't see what I saw.

Lemon had sat next to Miguel. Before they saw me, I heard Miguel saying to her:

"I've already told you that I want my special guest to sit next to me. Go sit next to dad!"

"Why Miguel? We've always sitting next to each other. And because Ava came, I can't sit next to you?!" She was doing puppy eyes at him. I cut their conversation.

"Who called me?" I asked them.

"No-one..." Lemon murmured.

"What did you say Lemon?" I asked her like nothing happened in the bathroom.

"Wait are you knowing each other?" Miguel asked confused.


"No-" we answered at the same time. Well I see Lemon started the game with "No".

"Okay you're confusing me right now. Ava, do you know her?" Miguel asked me still confused.

"Well yeah we know each other. Actually, we are classmates" I looked at Lemon's face, who was angry.

"That's awesome!" Miguel said excited.

"Is it?" - "Really?" We said at the same time.

"Yeah because you're already knowing each other. That's a pros to become close friends!" If only Miguel knew... But I don't know if he's poor or not... Yesterday, he had described Lemon so lovely and cute to me. Maybe she's just pretending. I wouldn't be surprised. The problem is that I don't know if I should tell him or not about our real relationship with her... I think that for today I should keep my mouth shut and don't tell anything about his sister.

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