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"I know she's annoying. Now can we continue what we started?" He placed his hands on my waist.

"No. Miguel understand what I'm saying; LEMON SAW US!"

"Okay I was just drying your skirt- OH NO..."

"See? That's what I'm saying! What are we going to do now? I know her, she's going to tell about what she saw to everyone"

"Composure... Just composure for a minute..." Miguel tried to cool the situation.

"Which composure, you must be kidding me right?! We must go downstairs before it'll be too late!!!"

As we were going down we heard Lemon;

"I've got news for you!!!" Fortunately we got her.

"YES OF COURSE WE HAVE!" I said excited. I didn't let anyone to say something.

"Me and Miguel have the same tastes in SO many things!" Damn, not only Lemon could be a good actress, but also me.

"YES! Guess what! Ava wants to learn how to play guitar like me in her age!"

"Oh really? Miguel not only he can solve your problems in maths, physics or I don't know in which classes you're not find easy, but he can also teach you how to play guitar! What do you think Miguel?" Wendy got excited but all of her innocence, not pretending like us.

"Of course mum, I would like to! She's learning fast. And I want to pass on my knowledge to other people and especially to Ava..." He looked at me and I smiled.

"But mum, dad. What I wanted to say was-" I interpreted Lemon.

"OH!!! I really have to go home. My parents told me to be home at 9:30pm and now it's 10pm. I'm sorry!"

"Oh don't worry honey, they won't have any problem with that. Moreover, they know and trust us" Wendy told me.

"I know but it's dark outside. Thank you very much for everything tonight! I really appreciate it!"

"Don't say thank you Ava. You're always welcome to our house. Any time. Miguel give a ride to your student" Damien ordered his son.

"With pleasure father" he smiled and the family stood up to say goodbye and goodnight to me. I thanked them again and looked at Lemon, who was looking me with hate in her eyes. I waved at her and we left. We got into his car.

"Phew! They almost found out the truth" Miguel told me.

"Yup but we don't know if Lemon will say anything now because she's alone with your family"

"Damn... I'll return you home safe and sound and then go fast home"

"Just be careful baby, okay?" He nodded. To our way at home, I asked him for his phone number. For some reason we hadn't exchanged them. But just in case if anything will happen and not only for that.

He reached our destination, kissed quickly and left.

Miguel's POV:

I'm outside my house and run to unlock the door. I went inside. I didn't see anyone on the hall but I was listening my family talking. Probably I'm too late. I run to the living room.


"Hi!" all of my family said but where's Lemon?

"Um... Where's Lemon?" I asked.

"Well, when you and Ava left the house, she started saying something about Ava really angry but we didn't understood because your father cut her. The had a short argument about the water that spilled to Ava without apologizing and her attitude. So now she's punished and she's upstairs. She won't have her phone for one week and she won't hang out" my mum informed me.

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