Chapter 21

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Mina was literally running across the campus in her pyjamas. Dahyun had suddenly hung up on her after saying she was by a building with 'a fancy sign'. A pretty vague description, but at least she knew she was in the grounds. After a while of searching, she found Dahyun leaning against a tree.

"Come on, we are going to your dorm." She said firmly, pulling her up.

"Nooo! I don't want to..." The other girl refused, but she was no match against Mina's strength. She ended up getting dragged away, until they finally made it to her dorm. Luckily the lift was working. Mina managed to take the key from Dahyun and let them both in. She was about to leave after laying Dahyun down on her bed, but the girl called her back.

"Please stay a bit longer..."

Mina sighed, but she sat down on the girl's bed, and Dahyun rested her head on her lap.

"You're sad." The drunk girl whispered, startling Mina.

"How do you know?"

"I have high intuition!" She answered gleefully, her eyes shining. Looking down at her face, Mina couldn't figure out if that was her eyes lighting up, or tears welling.

"I guess I'm a bit upset. I-"

"WHY?" Dahyun didn't even let Mina finish, making the latter roll her eyes.

"I was going to explain if you would just let me finish. I feel bad for hurting Momo." She explained, looking at everywhere but the other girl.

"It wasn't your fault." Dahyun answered simply, blinking at her. "But what happened to you? When you were a kid, I mean."

Mina didn't quite understand how the confused and lost Dahyun had been able to form sentences like that. She was quite different to other drunk people she'd seen. She was expecting her to throw things, maybe try to start a fight.

"Maybe not everyone is like them."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Pretty please?" Dahyun asked, and Mina had no intention of listening to her pleas. That is the reason she had no idea why she was about to spill the traumatic events of her past to a drunk girl she had met a couple months ago. Dahyun was irritating her because she couldn't figure out why she was able to open up so soon.

"My parents used to hurt each other - and me. They were regularly drunk, my mother mostly, and my father was a drug addict." Mina hesitantly explained. "I tried to run away multiple times but I was always taken back by the police. The punishments became worse every time." She brought her hand up to her eye. "They blinded me in this eye with a shard of glass."

"Did they get imprisoned?"

Mina chuckled dryly. She sounded angry.

"No. Those lucky bastards escaped their fate by killing themselves. One day I came back home from school to see my mother hanging from a rope, and the next morning my father overdosed on drugs." She clenched her fists tightly. "I don't even think I can call those monsters my parents. I know that they will face much worse than prison in Hell."

"Was school your safe place?" Dahyun asked, making Mina laugh.

"Seriously, for a drunk person you ask many well-worded questions."


"Sure." Mina rolled her eyes. "But no. I was bullied for being quiet and physically weak. They called me 'The Fragile Girl' and since I was already constantly stressed and scared, I never got much of my work done. Most of the teachers didn't like me for that reason. They thought I was a brat." She laughed again, but this time it was sarcastic. "Let's just say my parents did not like seeing me come back home after getting a call from school."

She made a punching motion at the air.

"So you didn't have any friends?" 

Mina knew this question was coming, but when it was finally asked, she didn't know how to respond. She bit her lip to keep herself composed and shook her head.

"One. I had one friend."

🌿- Flashback -🌿

An eight year-old Mina was reluctantly making her way to school. She knew exactly who she would go to first.

"Minari! Why is your hair covering your eye like that? It doesn't suit you." The girl pulled a disgusted face. She was unfazed when Mina broke down into tears.

"My parents...Mother...Father...I can't see from this eye..." Mina was sobbing, and people walking past were mocking her. Her friend stifled a laugh.

"They blinded you?" She echoed. "What did you do this time?"

"Nothing, I-" 

Her friend stopped her.

"I know you've done something. Haven't you been following my advice?"

Mina's friend had been giving her advice ever since she found out about her parents. Every time Mina ran to her, she would find a way to say it was her fault. Mina didn't have anyone else to confide in, so it was natural for the little girl to believe her.

"I've tried to be a better daughter. I've been doing everything..." Mina explained, still crying, but again, her friend would not take that answer.

"Clearly you haven't been trying hard enough."


Twelve year-old Mina was a sobbing mess as she ran to her best friend. 

"What happened now?" She asked, sounding irritated.

"My parents! They killed themselves!" She cried loudly, her chest heaving. Unfortunately, her friend's reaction was not the one she'd preferred. She burst out laughing at Mina, even in her state.

"You are seriously complaining?" She asked, still giggling. "How bitchy can you be?"

"W-what?" Mina stammered, sniffling.

"It's your fault for not listening to my advice. If you were just a better daughter your parents wouldn't have done that." She saw Mina's lost look, and scoffed. "In case you haven't noticed, both of my parents are alive, and they haven't done any of..." She gestured towards Mina's eye. "That."

She laughed harder, as Mina struggled to find words.

"Honestly, good on them for getting away from you. I don't know what you did, but it must've been pretty bad."

"Please! I need help, I don't know how to deal with this-"

"NO WAY!" Her friend shouted, wiping away her tears of laughter. "I cannot be seen with a murderer."

Murderer. That word repeated itself over and over again in Mina's mind.

"Murderer. You're nothing but a filthy murderer, Mina."

"Good luck alone, I guess." The girl shrugged, turning to leave. Mina reached out for her desperately.

"NO! Please, you can't leave me!" 

The girl didn't listen to Mina's cries.


🌿- End of Flashback -🌿

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