Chapter 11

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"I'm on my break, and I've decided to come for a little...Surprise visit." Sunmi drawled, and the trio could imagine her mischevious smirk.

"I take it JYP doesn't know?" Momo said, and Sunmi chuckled.

"Of course not. Which is why I need you not to talk about this until I arrive, as the spy sent is probably finding a way to look into everything you do."

"You know about the spy?" Sana questioned, her eyes wide.

"Why of course I do. I'm one of JYP's most trusted assassins, and I know most of his dirty secrets. It's only normal that he let me in on this one." She sighed in disappointment. "He didn't give me a name or gender to go off of, though."

"I still don't understand what's in it for you." Momo snarled, tired of Sunmi's games. They got along with her, but they could easily get tired of her riddles or how she always avoided giving straight answers.

"Can't I innocently visit my fellow assassins?" The woman acted offended, before she went back to being serious. "Tell me everything."


Mina was so excited she couldn't focus on much that day. The girl was always composed and reserved, but she adored Sunmi. The feeling she got every time she saw her was the same feeling people get when they see their favourite person after ages spent apart.

"When is she coming?" Mina asked for the 100th time that afternoon. "When do you think she's coming?"

"Mitang, we've already told you, we don't know. She hasn't told us." Momo sighed, but behind her annoyed exterior was happiness. She loved seeing her friend like this, because it reminded her of how depressed and hopeless Mina was in the first year they knew each other. Mina being happy felt precious to her and Sana. 

The three were sitting on a spread of grass on the campus, eating snacks. It was Friday, so they were free for the whole afternoon and two days after. It was only logical for Sunmi to show up then, but they also needed to take into consideration that that lady was often unpredictable. Dahyun was walking past, but stopped when she saw them.

"Hello!" The girl smiled at them cheerfully. Since the School Meal Club made amends, she'd been acting much happier. That, unfortunately, didn't stop the students' hurtful comments.

"Hi, Dahyun." Momo saw the girl's odd look and explained. "Someone really special to my best friend is coming over."

"Ahh...I didn't take Mina to be the type to act like that." Dahyun nodded slowly, and Momo chuckled.

"She isn't. She's only like this when she's really excited." Sana said, before wincing and gently slapping Mina's hand. "If you keep tugging on my arm like a little kid I am positive it will fall off!"

"But when is she coming?" Mina asked again, and Sana groaned.

"Hey, Dahyun, have you ever thought about babysitting an excited teenager?" Sana asked, her voice in a pleading tone. "We'll pay you!"

"No thank you, she's all yours." Dahyun grinned, before sitting down with them. "So, who's the visitor?"

Momo was about to speak but Mina beat her to it.

"Undoubtedly the best woman to ever step foot on this planet!" Mina exclaimed, before grinning sheepishly and lowering her voice. "Her name is Sunmi."

"And she's special to you because...?"

"Because when I was at my worst point in life she helped me get myself up." She giggled when she saw her best friends' pouting faces. "But I wouldn't be like this now if not for these two."

"Was I missed?" A voice came from behind them and Mina jumped up.

"Sunmi!" She rushed towards the lady and hugged her tightly, smiling her usual gummy smile.

"Alright, alright, calm down Mina." Sunmi laughed, before studying Dahyun. She only looked for a split-second, but the trio knew that look. And whenever she looked at someone like that, she was usually onto something. She tilted her sunglasses and walked to Sana and Momo, Mina still by her side.

"Where's my 'hello'? Goodness, sometimes I wish you were as clingy as Mina." She jokingly scoffed. She turned to Dahyun. "And you're their friend?" 

The girl hesitated.

"Uh, I suppose, Miss." Dahyun was surprised. She didn't expect Sunmi to speak Korean, but then again, she did have a Korean name.

"You hesitated." Sunmi pointed out. "Have you not been making your classmates comfortable?" Sunmi asked the trio, and to anyone else it would appear as a joke, but they knew that there was a hint of seriousness in her voice. Sana faked a laugh.

It may seem that Sana showed a sharp edge every time she talked to Sunmi, and that would be true, but she didn't dislike her. She just didn't like her much. They stayed neutral with each other, no matter how much Mina tried to get them to bond.

Momo and Sunmi, on the other hand, were total frenemies. They liked each other, but wouldn't miss an opportunity to throw an insult at the other. They were terrible at hiding their secret (if you could even call it secret at this point) fondness for each other, and only they thought others were buying the act.


"I'm glad you're here." Momo mumbled as they made their way to a restaurant.

"Aww, you miss me!" Sunmi teased, patting Momo's head.

"What? Of course not!" The girl was caught off guard, and looked away, though that didn't stop the others from laughing. "It's only because Mina was driving me crazy!"

Mina gasped, giving her best friend puppy eyes, and her lips curled down into a curve. Momo swiftly grabbed her hand and started attempting to apologise, but it turned into a bit of a desperate ramble. Luckily, Mina giggled again, but the con of that whole scene was that Sana and Sunmi also laughed.

They sat down, and as soon as they ordered, Sunmi cleared her throat.

"So, tell me what you know already."

Something seemed to click inside Sana's head.

"How can we be sure you're not the spy?" She interrogated, and even though Mina's face told her to stop, she knew that she was beginning to consider it.

 Sunmi chuckled dryly under her breath.

"You can't."

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