Chapter 28

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"Do you want to come to my dorm?" Dahyun asked, and the trio exchanged confused glances.

"Uh, are you sure? We went to your house only a few days ago..." Mina smiled nervously, but before Dahyun could answer, Sana stepped in.

"We'd love to!" Her best friends could easily tell that Sana's grin was fake, but she continued acting. "Thanks for the offer!"

As Dahyun walked away, Sana smirked contentedly.

"This is so much easier than I thought it would be!" She bragged, until Momo stopped her.

"That's exactly what worries me. Don't you think this is a little too easy?"

And neither of them had a reply.


Mina stared at the note, frozen. She was alone in her room, and the first thing she thought of was calling Sunmi.

"Mina? What do you need?"

"Um...It's, uh-"

"Talk slowly. Take deep breaths. What's wrong?" Sunmi asked. Once again, Mina looked back down at the note.

Not long left, Minari :)

She didn't know how it made its way into her room, but she knew who sent it. She didn't think Jihyo was such a psycho.

"It's Her." Mina couldn't even comfortably say her name. "S-she somehow slipped a note into my room."

"What does the note say? How do you know it's Her?" Sunmi questioned, and Mina took another deep breath.

"Nobody else calls me 'Minari'. The note says...'Not long left, Minari'." Mina could hear Sunmi clapping her hands together, the same thing she did every time she was amused by something.

"Ooh, how ominous!" She cleared her throat before continuing. "You should pay attention to your surroundings. This girl is clearly planning on surprising you, and frankly, I don't think she has good intentions..."

"If she's the spy JYP sent, I'm a little concerned about her sanity..." Mina shuddered, and she heard Sunmi sigh.

"That's the thing. I'm not so convinced she is the spy..." 

Sunmi then hung up. Mina groaned, before crumpling up the note angrily.

"Mitang! Are you okay? I heard voices." Momo asked, from outside the room.

"Oh, um, yeah. I'm fine. You can come in, if you want."

Momo walked in, and immediately hugged Mina's waist.

"Did you get a note?" She asked, and Mina's eyes widened. She nodded wordlessly, and Momo sighed.

"If it is...Her...Then I imagine that yours would be slightly different."

"What did yours say?" Mina questioned, and Momo looked down.

"It said, 'Always stay prepared'."

Mina silently tossed the creased note to her best friend, and Momo's eyes darted over it quickly, before she frowned.

"What about Satang?" Mina asked, and Momo closed her eyes.

"The same as mine." She rolled her eyes. "But then she got angry and stormed out to 'get some fresh air'. If I find out she killed somebody, I swear to God-"

Mina giggled softly, before eyeing the note again. 

"What do you think it means?" She questioned, and Momo shrugged.

"I have no idea, Mitang."


The two girls just listened to Sana's crazed laughing as she stood over their client's dead body.

"Hey, have you ever heard of the phrase 'rest in peace'?" Mina muttered, feeling pity for their client. Momo pinched the bridge of her nose.

"We're going to be here forever..." She murmured, until Mina swiveled around suddenly.

"What's that sound?" Mina asked, and that broke Sana from her thoughts. 

"What do you-"

There it was again. Sort of like a shutter sound. The girls defensively clutched their daggers, as they slowly stepped forward. They were behind an abandoned building, and the sound came from in front of it. They began walking faster when they heard familiar giggling.

"Yep. It's definitely them."

But by the time they got around, the person was gone.


"That girl's voice was familiar." Momo frowned, and the girls nodded.

"We can all agree that that wasn't my fault, right?" Sana nervously asked, but the others sighed at her. "How was I supposed to know that somebody was there!?"

"That's not what I'm worried about." Mina shook her head. "We've been assassins for years, and I barely noticed her. How powerful is she? Who is she?"

"Alright, let's all just make it to Dahyun's dorm in one piece. Then we can figure out whether Satang's suspicion is correct, and maybe find out who that girl was." Momo said, and the others quickly agreed.


"Your dorm is so nice!" Sana marvelled, and Mina rose her eyebrow at Dahyun. Momo smirked at the girl, amused by how jealous her friend was.

"Thanks, Sana. And Mina, I know you're jealous, just like last time."

Mina blushed in embarrassment when her best friends looked at her.

"Oh? What's this 'last time' you haven't told us about?" Sana questioned slyly.


"So, is there any drama you hear about from your parents?" Momo grinned, and Dahyun giggled.

"Of course! Apparently," She then went on to explain the most complicated gossip ever. 

"You're lying." Sana gasped, gasping louder when Dahyun shook her head.

"I'm not."

After a long while of talking, Dahyun stood up.

"I need to get something from my room. I'll be right back."

But Mina noticed that the girl was walking in a different direction. How odd. But then, Dahyun didn't come back. So, after growing impatient, Mina decided to take matters into her own hands.

"I'm gonna go check on her."

She first checked in the girl's bedroom, and, just as she thought, nobody was in it. Mina then walked in the same direction that she saw Dahyun walk in, and she was met with a bookshelf. Mina had been in this profession long enough to know a secret door when she saw one. She smirked when she found the book slightly sticking out, otherwise known as the doorhandle. Tugging it open, she peered through, seeing a tunnel, and she wondered how long it went on for. She turned around and called for her best friends.

"Girls! I think I know where Dahyun went."

(My motivation is spiralling down...😭Oh well! Also, I'm planning a new story sometime after this one~ It'll be called 'From Another World'. Can you guess the plot? 🩷🐹🦝)

MiSaMo: Operation KimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora