Chapter 13

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Sunmi blinked away the memories tugging at her heart. She barely made eye contact as she said the long-awaited words:

"I apologise for the inconvenience."

She then reached into her bag and pulled something out. A penguin plush toy. Mina was surprised, and she smiled.

"Pengi!" She exclaimed, happy. But then she stopped, and tilted her head in confusion. "I left him in Japan. Why did you bring him?"

Pengi was the stuffed toy Sunmi bought Mina when she was going through her worst stage of depression. Back when she was too afraid to make friends with Sana and Momo, she kept pushing them away. Pengi was the only thing she really talked to. Like her own sort of diary.

"I was worried about you." Sunmi admitted curtly, but only a fool wouldn't catch the sincerity in her voice. "Korea is where it all happened, and in case you have a panic attack, I don't want you totally lost." She glanced briefly at Sana and Momo. "No offence."

"Thank you Sunmi, but I'm sure I'll be fine. We are getting to know Dahyun, so we may even complete this mission before next year." Mina then grinned sheepishly. "I will keep Pengi here though."

Sunmi laughed softly, before holding her hand across the table. "I know I may not act like it sometimes, but I am so proud of you." She looked at the others. "All of you. If when I was your age and I was trusted with a dagger I would have probably stabbed myself."

They all laughed at that statement, even Sana.


The weekend passed, and Sunmi left. The girls all met up after school, Dahyun joining them. The plan was really working out.

"Wow, I cannot believe I am hanging out with someone so rich!" Jeongyeon marvelled, until Nayeon smacked the back of her head.

"As if you aren't rich yourself! Your parents are the founders and CEOs of 'Treats for Yoo'! That really nice bakery line! It's everywhere in Korea!"

Jeongyeon paused, before scoffing when she realised she couldn't win that argument. She pointed at Miss Im who was leaving her classroom. 

"Your mom looks upset-" Jeongyeon didn't get to finish before Nayeon dashed past her and to her mother. She noticed the others' confused looks and explained. "Miss Im is the sweetest teacher here, but she also has a soft heart. Nayeon is often worried about her because she's scared something will happen. Ever since she was young she tried to act like the adult just to protect her." 

She looked back towards Nayeon, who seemed to be hugging her mother who was crying. "I just hope they're okay..." Jeongyeon whispered. They watched a staff member take Mrs Im away, and Nayeon just stood there for a bit. Jeongyeon rushed to her side immediately, touching her back.

"Oh. Hi." Nayeon said, not even looking at her best friend.

"What happened? What's wrong with your mom?"

Just those words made Nayeon break down. She fell into Jeongyeon's arms, sobbing almost hysterically. 

"Mom got fired..." 

Jeongyeon didn't need to ask more. Nayeon's father, the family's main source of income, died a year before, and the only reason Nayeon was still attending the school was because her mother worked there. TDOONG Academy had a problem of underpaying the teachers, and now, none of them had anything.

"Oh, Nayeon..." The taller girl whispered, stroking her best friend's hair softly. She didn't know how to respond at first, because this was a shock to her too. Mrs Im was loved by everybody, even the worst students in the school.

"I don't know what to do!" Nayeon cried, though her voice was slightly muffled as she was burying her face deep into Jeongyeon's chest.

"It's alright. We'll think of something. I'll ask my parents to help!" Jeongyeon suggested, but Nayeon turned down her offer.

"That won't work! Your parents don't like me anyway! I'm sure they'd be so happy watching Mom and I end up beggars on the streets!"

Jeongyeon was getting annoyed by this, not because of her friend's negativity, she understood that, but because she was beginning to wonder if Nayeon was correct. She didn't think her parents hated Nayeon to that extent, but she could never know with them.

"Enough with that mindset. You and your mom will be fine. I promise that I'll help you." Jeongyeon said firmly, and Nayeon eventually nodded. She sent Nayeon to go back and talk to her mother, before turning back to find her friends who had - surprisingly - been waiting for her to come back.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Dahyun asked, and without knowing how to express her feelings, Jeongyeon snapped.

"You want to know what's wrong? Your parents. I don't know what psychos they must be to find firing an already struggling lady funny, but I don't want any part in that!"

"Oh, I get it." Dahyun spoke lowly, and Jeongyeon stopped, realising she was angry at the completely wrong person. "My parents again. I'm not surprised they'd do something like that."

"I'm sorry, I'm just annoyed-" Jeongyeon apologised, but Dahyun cut her off.

"No, it's okay. It is my fault anyway." Now everyone was giving her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" Tzuyu asked.

"If I get too close to someone they don't like - for whatever reason - they do something to break them." Dahyun sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so careless." 

She looked Jeongyeon right in the eye.

"When Nayeon is feeling a little better, you should ask if she or her mom have done anything to anger my parents. Because no matter how stupid, there is always a reason."

"Always?" Momo asked, this statement piquing her interest.


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