Chapter 12

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Sana's eyes widened, and she shook her head in frustration.

"Not now, Sunmi. Stop it with your useless mind games!"

Sunmi blinked innocently. "I was just stating the truth. I might be the spy, but I also might not be." She grinned nonchalantly. "If I were the spy, though, I wouldn't tell you. But then again, the truth might seem so confusing that you wouldn't believe me either way!"

Mina's brows furrowed. "Sunmi. Please stop this." She tried to act strong, but anyone could tell that she was upset. Her voice was trembling and her expression was clearly one of sadness.

Sunmi paused, thinking, but then continued. "What kind of friends are you, huh? Making poor Mina sad..." She gestured towards Mina who was now terrified. She wasn't terrified of Sunmi, or Sana, or Momo. She was terrified of guilt.

In case it wasn't obvious, Sunmi was a bitch. She could be kind, but barely ever took anything seriously. Ever since Mina figured out her adoration for the woman, she would always feel this lingering guilt. Sunmi hurt her friends and other assassins before, but Mina still liked her. She clenched her fists as she thought about it more. 

"That's my problem," She thought. "No matter what someone does, if they're close to me, I can't stop loving them." Mina wasn't going to cry about this. Not in public, not in private, not ever. Instead she would bottle up her emotions like she always did, in fear of wasting others' time with her own problems. 

Momo decided to step in. She snapped Mina out of her thoughts, and held her hand tightly. 

"Lee Sunmi," She began, surprising everyone as she hadn't said anything yet. "We would appreciate it if you could kindly refrain from taking advantage of Mina's emotions." Her eyes narrowed. "I promise you that it doesn't make her like you more."

Sunmi was silent. Her face was contorted into one of outrage, and she was about to snap back, but she caught sight of Mina's eyes. Mina's sad, desperate eyes. She sat back, contemplating what to do. She never thought she would see the girl wearing the same face Sunmi always hated to see. But when she thought about it more, she realised it was like when they first met. Except it was just those two, Mina was crying, and she was covered in cuts and bruises.

🌿- Flashback -🌿

"That mission was boring. I can't wait to get back to Japan for another one!" Sunmi thought, humming happily as she walked along the street. She was often dissatisfied with the lack of entertainment that came with killing her clients, and she often wondered what her boss was doing. He was the leader of a huge underground organisation, unrecognised by any government, president, monarch whatsoever, but he couldn't hold a blade for the life of him.

She heard noise from an alley. Quite suspicious, but the only reason Sunmi didn't brush past it was because that lady was starving for drama. She got a little closer, and finally heard two voices. One was louder than the other.

She peaked her head around to see a girl who looked around twelve brutally beating up a boy around her age.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The girl yelled, hitting him again. Sunmi was admiring her potential, until she began focusing her attention on something else. The girl was severely underweight. Nobody with that figure could exact that much pain onto someone, not unless that person was driven by one emotion.


Sunmi gasped silently when she noticed something the two kids probably didn't. She girl's limbs were beginning to tremble, and Sunmi was sure she would collapse at any time. Her yelling slowly quietened, and became more like miserable attempts at yelling. She was panting, and it was almost as though all the strength from earlier had been sucked out of her, and she was fighting to get it back.

The girl moved to the side before hitting the ground, her elbows and knees barely supporting her. The boy got up and stumbled towards her, smirking.

"I knew a weak bitch like you wouldn't last long. You're just like your parents; such a short temper." He clicked his tongue mockingly. "All I did was tease, you really need to learn to take a joke."

The girl was clearly sobbing, and that was an obvious sign that she'd given up. He grabbed her arm, pulled up her sleeve, and bruises were present. Sunmi had the time to examine them, and discerned that they weren't from that fight. He laughed, and although the woman didn't normally mind about other peoples' lives, the sound of it sickened her.

"I guess she really wasn't lying, was she? Good thing she left an embarrassment like you." He said, dropping her arm back down.

"Please stop..."

"How can you be such a coward? You started this fight and you play the victim as soon as you lose. How pathetic."

He was about to kick her head before a flash zoomed past him and blocked him. It was Sunmi. Holding him back.

"Who the fuck are you, you ugly hag?"

"One, I am rather gorgeous if I do say so myself. Two, I am not a hag. And three, stop terrorising defenceless people." She replied, a smile on her face. "I gather that she didn't do much wrong?"

"I was just joking but then she decided to make it violent. She's always been dramatic." He answered, trying to push past her but failing.

"I see you don't understand when you cross the line." She looked him in the eye before whispering. "Get the fuck out of here."

She didn't fight him. She didn't do so much as threatening, but just her death stare was enough to send the boy running. Sunmi fixed her hair before looking down at the girl, who was still hunched up. Her body was heaving, and she was trembling violently. 

"Are you going to continue like that?" Sunmi asked casually. "We have a flight to catch."

The girl paused, before looking up, confused. "We?"

"Yes, 'we', do you have a hearing difficulty or what?"

"I don't know you..." The girl stammered, her voice mirroring her physical state. Sunmi tapped her foot on the ground lightly, her finger on her chin.

"I suppose you're correct..." She said, before standing still again. "My name is Lee Sunmi. Now you know me. Come on now, no dawdling, JYP will get impatient."

Before the girl could answer, Sunmi grabbed her from the ground and began walking, her arm around her shoulders to support her body that literally looked like it would give way.

"My name is Myōi Mina..." The girl whispered, although it sounded more like a wince. Tears were still streaming down her face, and for some reason this girl seemed different. Just from hearing her voice, seeing her helpless state made Sunmi realise that what she really wanted to do all along was protect her. She smiled, the first genuine smile since she laid her eyes on Mina.

"Good to know, Mina. If you show Japan what you showed me today, I promise you that all your worries will disappear."

🌿- End of Flashback -🌿

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