Chapter 1

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"Sana, I actually think you're breaking the sound barrier right now." Momo sighed, watching her best friend hop up and down in her seat, her high-pitched squeaks filling the plane. Despite her strong demeanour, Momo couldn't help but feel bad for her bubbly friend. Sana only acted like this when she was truly nervous, and although she was doing everything she could to help her, it wasn't enough.

Momo tried to distract herself from her rising guilt to look at the quiet girl sitting across from them. Mina had never been the type to talk much, but this time she clearly wasn't listening to a word. Her face contorted into a disgusted look as she saw her absent-mindedly munching on a plate of ketchup.

"Hey, Mina, I knew you liked ketchup but this is a little over the top..."

Momo snickered when her friend's blank expression became one of shock.

"Where did my egg go!?" Mina exclaimed, her voice shocking even Sana.

"Woah, that's the loudest I've heard your voice go in a long while..." Sana muttered, flicking her brown hair away from her face. "All for an egg?"

Momo shook her head in exasperation. "You finished your egg half an hour ago. You've just been squeezing ketchup out of that bottle and eating it, like this:" She then imitated Mina's emotionless expression which, to her relief, earns a laugh from Sana. Mina, however, stared at her, horror written all over her face.

The short haired girl's eyes softened as she looked at Mina. "Hey, I know you're stressed." She said in a kind tone. She mentally rolled her eyes as Mina sighed loudly, putting her plate down.

"It's nothing. Anyways, JYP gave us this mission for a reason. I refuse to let my sob story mess this up." The young girl said firmly. She didn't like being vulnerable.

Momo opened her mouth to speak when her watch beeped. The trio were given special watches to communicate with their boss when they started the job, just like every other assassin under J.Y.P. Sometimes she swore the technology they used would make others think they were more like spies.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Ah, Devil Tamer. I expect you will be landing in South Korea soon, if I am correct?"

"Yes Sir." Momo answered, glancing at her friends with a clear expression of worry. She was afraid as well, but it was much less noticeable than with the others. She didn't face the trauma the others did, though, so it would be unfair to compare them. 'Devil Tamer' was Momo's codename. They all had them, but the girls were close friends so they didn't refer to each other with such names. She was given her name for her two demon dogs, Boo and Dobby.

Sana was given the title 'Winged Demon', for how kind and sweet she can appear to be, but how she showed her scarily twisted side when someone does something she doesn't like.

Mina was known as 'Black Swan' for how graceful she was with her movements. Her stealth was definitely her strength.

"I know you girls are doubting your abilities or effectiveness, but I can assure you that you will do well."

Momo shivered at her boss' emphasis on the word 'will'. As if it wasn't already, the pressure had set in for her. Her boss had never said it directly, but she knew that he depended on her to do well. If something went wrong, she would be the first to get blamed. She looked up in surprise when a low voice spoke.

"Uh, may you please repeat the mission? I think I forgot some of it..."

They couldn't see him, but they knew that JYP was also shocked. Aside from her grace, Mina was known for her photographic memory, so it was obvious she wasn't okay. Sana cocked her head to the side, her face a sign of genuine empathy. Both Momo and Sana agreed that Mina's past was the most tragic, and they didn't fully believe Mina when she shut their concerns down.

"Fine, Black Swan. Your mission is to enrol into TDOONG Academy and assassinate the headmasters, Mr and Mrs Kim for a severe debt they refused to pay back. Although our force have done endless digging into their lives, the Kims have always been extremely secretive people, and we don't know their full names.

You need to pass an entrance exam, so the answers that you need to memorise have been sent to you. Anyone who is accepted will have showed their hard work and determination. There is one girl, who even if she doesn't show these conditions will definitely be accepted. Her name is Kim Dahyun, and she is Mr and Mrs Kim's daughter.

She is the key to this mission. The Kims hold a party after every school year for the students who have at least 80% of their candy bong lit up."

"Candy bong?" Sana echoed. JYP had never mentioned this earlier.

"'Bong' means stick in Korean. The Candy bong is a light stick that all students get, which represents a lollipop." JYP explained. "There is a brightness count which shows the percentage. Everyone starts at 50%. When a student misbehaves, the teacher dims the stick, and if they do well enough, the teacher brightens the stick. If it goes to 20% or lower, then that is immediate expulsion."

"Alright, but what has their daughter got to do with this?" Momo asked, confused.

"While it may sound simple, getting your brightness up to 80% is hard. So if all fails, plan B is to make friends with Dahyun, so she can invite you to meet her parents and you can then finish the mission. All clear?"

"Yes Sir." The girls simultaneously answered.

"Good. I have some staff based in Korea, so someone will be outside to pick you up. This is where I leave you, MiSaMo. Good luck, and do not disappoint me."

MiSaMo: Operation KimWhere stories live. Discover now