Chapter 32- A Secret.

Start from the beginning

He sighed and i wanted to open my eyes and demand he tell me the truth. The heart rate monitor picked up but slowed as i collected my anger and calmed my pulse.

"I dont care if you date Ryan or not. Honestly, your pretty good for him. You've been happier since he's been around, so i guess he's good for you too. When you wake up, we'll talk, i wont take no for an answer. You, me, and as much as you hate her, mom will be there. You'll know the truth, finally."

I felt him kiss my forehead and sigh.

"You'll always be my little sister. I wont lose you over this. I wont lose you. Ever."

I felt his hand leave mine, and a tear slipped out the corner of my still closed eye.

The door creaked open and closed again.

I quickly wiped my eyes and bilnked away any tears that gathered in my eyes.

With eveything with Ryan going on, did i really want a family reunion with my mother?

Heck no.

But my curiousity wanted to know what this big secret was.

Gosh things these last few months really hadn't been easy.

I had a feeling they wouldn't get easy. Not for a while.

Somewhere in the ten minutes of thinking about this big secret Zac was keeping from me, i fell asleep.

I hadn't even realised until i was being shaken gently.

"Naomi. Wake up. Time for your pain meds."

"Doc, are you bribing her awake with drugs?"

As my eyes peeled open, the doctor chuckled.

"It worked didn't it?" I head Ryan and the doctor both laugh until they heard my groan.

"My head hurts." I complained as the bright light forced my eyes to scrunch up.

"Like i said, it's time for you pain meds."

I felt a needle prick my arm and my arm suddenly became numb, and moments later my head cleared like clouds parting, and my mind became clear.

"That's better." I muttered and sunk into the bed.

I felt someone take my hand, this time it was the hand i really wanted to be holding.

"Ryan-" I started but he cut me off.

"No. I need to tell you something. I promised myself i'd tell you the minute you woke up."

He took a deep breath. "I love you, and im sorry Naomi. Im sorry for kissing Jess, im sorry for being such an ass, im sorry for walking away because of the scholarship. After all i put you through you deserve to get something out of it. I was a complete dick."

I smiled and lifted his hand to my lips. I kissed it gently and smiled brightly at him.

"I heard it all the first time, but it somehow it sounds better."

"You heard what i said the first time?"

I nodded, and a guilty red tinge found it's way to my cheeks.

"I woke up a few minutes before you told me. I didn't open my eyes because the light was so bight, and when the finally adjusted, you started speaking. At first i was shocked and then i realised... I love you too. I was going to tell you then, but you went for coffee and the doctor came in... I didn't mean to fall asleep." I smiled as i took in his face.

It was a mixture of happiness, awe, and guilt.

"Why do you look guilty?"

"I wanted to be here, when you woke up the first time, so the first thing you'd hear was me finally admitting im a giant douche, but im a giant douche who loves you."

"I was awake, and it was the first thing i heard, dont beat yourself up about it."

I grinned as he blushed and kissed my forehead.

"What are you grinning about?" He asked, raising his eyebrow, and smirking. Oh, that smirk!!

"Just wondering. How could the school badboy hide the fact he's sucha hopeless romantic?"

He scoffed. "If you dare tell anyone..." He glared playfully.

I held my hands up in surrender. "No worries babe, wouldn't want to ruin your precious reputation." I grinned.

"Hey! My reputation is something i've worked hard to achieve. Badboy is a hard name to get."

I smirked and pulled him too me by his collar, "Yea, but your my badboy."

"As long as you want me babe." He said before planting his lips lightly on mine.

Maybe things could be easy after all.


Sorry for not uploading last week, i was busy!!!

Enjoy this chapter though, i figured it's time to end this, so im gonna say, three or four more chapters before it bye bye Using him, using her.


But it's been a good run, and well, i hope you've enjoy it so far but IT'S NOT DONE YET SO SMILE!!!

Cookie x







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