Suddenly, a deafening bang reverberated through the room, causing the Dark Lord to pause in his tracks, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Morgan, silence him!" he commanded. Morgan strode towards a concealed wall, bringing a sense of relief as I realized who they were referring to.

Nicholas. He wanted to break free. I had to assist him.

"Hey! Shut up!" Morgan screamed through the wall, attempting to suppress his persistent barrage of strikes. The Dark Lord withdrew his hand from my throat, advancing towards Morgan. Coughing and regaining my composure, I pressed my back against the wall, seeking solace in the presence of Reyes.

"Reyes, calm down. I'm alright," I reassured him.

"No! He wants to harm my mate, my mate!" Reyes's possessiveness over me surged to the surface, a protectiveness I had rarely witnessed before. A small smile played on my lips as a plan began to take shape.

"Reyes, step away from the wall," I instructed him, my gaze unwavering.


"Just trust me. Are you in your wolf form? Tell Nicholas to shift," I urged, slowly rising to my feet.

As Morgan and the Dark Lord engaged in a heated exchange, their voices filled the room with anger and frustration due to Nicholas's sudden outburst within the wall. Meanwhile, Xavier and I shared a knowing look, silently communicating our intentions.

Xavier took the opportunity to divert their attention by addressing the Dark Lord. "Now that you're alive, what are your plans against Mystic Academy?" he questioned, causing a momentary pause in their argument.

" Finally a question worth replying to," The Dark Lord smirked, his pride evident as he responded, "Destroying the academy is just the beginning. This is about more than that. For decades, the unity they claim to uphold has torn at my very being. To save it, I must eliminate the elders and secure Red's blood through my Calling. With it, I will reign for many years to come." His words made my skin crawl, but I remained focused on my task.

Approaching the wall, I reached out my hand, making contact with its surface. "Nicholas, have you shifted?" I whispered, hoping for a response. Silence greeted me, indicating that he had indeed shifted. I conjured a spell, severing the mindlink I had with Uncle J, and immediately reached out to him through another mental connection.

"Uncle J," I called out, his voice familiar and comforting in my mind.

"Red? Where are you?" he replied, his voice filled with concern but not surprised by our sudden connection.

"There's no time, just be alert a growl will tell you where I am," I stated cryptically, preparing for the next step.

"I don't understand," he confessed, seeking clarification.

Before I could explain further, Morgan's voice interrupted my thoughts. "How did you-?" But I didn't allow her to finish as I silently uttered a word in my mind. Instantly, the wall began to transform, encasing itself in a layer of ice. The room grew colder as icy frost spread across the surface. "Now!" I commanded.

From within the frozen wall, a dark shadow emerged, shattering the icy barrier. I shielded my eyes, avoiding the shards of frozen wall as they scattered. As the room fell into silence, heavy breaths filled the air. Turning my gaze, I beheld him-Nicholas-standing before me. I was awestruck by his presence and the power he emanated.

His majestic form stood tall and proud, his piercing blue eyes a striking contrast against the darkness that cloaked him. His dark fur, like the night itself, seemed to absorb the surrounding shadows, lending him an aura of mystery and power.

As his gaze locked onto the Dark Lord, a low growl rumbled deep within his chest, a visceral warning that reverberated throughout the room. The intensity of his stare bore into the very core of his adversary, a silent declaration of defiance and protection. With a sudden surge of energy, he let loose a resounding roar, the sheer force of it echoing through the chamber, resonating with a primal power.

In that moment, the sound seemed to transcend the confines of the room, reaching far beyond its walls. Hopefully, Uncle J received the message and would come to their aid.

"Morgan, kill him," the Dark Lord's command echoed through the room, causing a surge of intense heat to engulf me. My body felt consumed by an uncontrollable, searing fire, and flames erupted from my hands as I launched an attack towards both Morgan and the Dark Lord.

Reacting swiftly, Morgan conjured a defensive spell to counter my assault, creating a barrier that prevented my flames from reaching them. Meanwhile, Nicholas, or rather Reyes in his shifted form, took advantage of the distraction and swiftly moved towards Xavier. With his sharp claws, he skillfully removed the leaves that had bound Xavier, setting him free from his captivity.

"Red!" I turned to see Avery, Jacob, and the rest of our allies at the gate, their faces filled with concern and determination. Avery approached me, swiftly conjuring another spell to aid us. "Reyes, let's go!" I called out to him, creating a clear path for him to escape. With urgency, he sprinted towards me, but a pained roar escaped his lips as the Dark Lord lunged forward, slashing him with his sharp claws.

Reyes bore the deep wounds, his body trembling with agony. "This is only a taste of what's to come, Morgan!" the Dark Lord taunted, summoning her with a beckoning call. In a blink of an eye, he vanished, taking Morgan captive with him.

"Reyes!" I rushed to his side, tears streaming down my face as I beheld his injured state. I gently touched his fur, feeling the shallowness of his breath. "Nicholas, please wake up," I pleaded, shaking him in desperation, but he remained motionless, his eyes closed.

"Red, wait," Xavier called out, attempting to intervene.

"Don't!" I screamed at him, my emotions overriding any sense of reason. I felt someone's gentle touch, calming me. "Red, just calm down. Shaking him won't wake him. We need to get him to the academy," Ana's voice broke through my anguish, her words resonating with a mix of compassion and practicality. Tears continued to flow down my cheeks as I nodded, accepting the truth of her words.

As I touched Nicholas's fur, my heart shattered into even smaller pieces. The pain of losing him threatened to consume me entirely.

"Nicholas, you can't leave me,"

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