"I'm sorry mad honestly now that I think about it I couldn't even imagine how hard that must've been on you and your wife" he spoke sincerely he closed he note pad and put it up " well looks like you won't be in jail" I snapped my he's sup and he smiled softly

"Self defense and he assaulted and harmed a minor" i nodded " but I have to ask did you plan to kill him?" I sighed

"Man I didn't think I beat him that bad when we took my daughter to the hospital he was breathing and was moving still and when we got to the hospital a detective came to talk to my daughter and she said she talked to him in the hospital that he was in" I sat up remembering

"Wait and that was after you beat him?" I nodded "so y'all went to a hospital she said she talked to him before she talked to your daughter at the hospital he was in?" He spoke making sure he heard right

"Yeah" I nodded. He looked at the ground as if he was thinking " so how did you kill him" he whispered more to his self. " when did they come to you and arrest you?"

"Yesterday" I replied "but everything happened the 8th" he shot his head up

"Wait a minute Al this played out the 8th and they just arrested you yesterday on the 12th saying you murdered him?" I nodded " i though maybe you beat him bad to were he bled out and if so he would've died right then and there. There is no a coupled days of that then you die bleeding out death happens on the spot" he spoke I nodded. He shook his head

"Somethings not right, listen just hang in here man I'm gonna get you out of here" he stood up holding his hand out for me to shake which I did. " thanks man" I spoke he nodded and left out I sat back and huffed really thinking about how they tried to play me but something's really isn't right now that I'm remembering.


"Girls are you almost ready?" I yelled out Shane has a court and I'm bring Amariana because she had to go on the stand I'm dropping blue off at Kelly's with her and Solange and me mama and Amariana are gonna go to the court. I was sitting at my vanity putting my hair in a simple ponytail since it was curled

"I'm ready mommy" blue ran into my room fully dressed. "Ok good girl where's your sister?" I turned to look at her

"She won't come out her room" I huffed and finished a few touch ups of my hair. Amariana been nervous and scared since I told her she gonna have to talk to the judge. I got up and fixed my clothes. " wait here baby" I spoken to blue walking out my room I going to Amariana

"Mini" I knocked on the door I opened it slowly and saw her laying in her bed tucked under the covers only showing her curly hair all over. I sat down and rubbed her back and stroked her hair. "I know your not sleep" I rolled my eyes she turned her head and she looked like she been crying. I signed and picked her up placing her on my lap and she immediately laid her head down on my chest.

"I don't want to talk to them" she mumbled into my chest i sighed and rubbed her back. "Baby me and grandma will be there with you" i spoke softly in her hair

"I know it's just embarrassing and scary" she admitted. " I know boo but you daddy home right he can't stay in there" i huffed and and sat up a bit." Listen I know we always talk about how I was when you were gone but your father wasn't so good neither so if you don't do this he'll have to stay in there for god knows how long and I know it wa I'll hurt him to miss out more on your life and your sisters as well" she didn't speak or move for a moment of silence until she finally noded and sat up

"Ok,I'll do it" she looked me in my eyes I broke into a smile and kissed her cheek we smiled at each other and didn't move until i realized we had to be there at 10:00

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