Chapter 2

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You toss your phone back on the bunk and stand up. You look at the clock. 8:07 AM. Why was Claire up so early? Obviously the alarm didn't wake her up because she was already dressed up. Probably going to some party with friends. You never went to any parties, mostly because half of them were dangerous or illegal.

You are too tired to cook anything for breakfast, so you just have a bowl of cereal. About halfway through your breakfast, your phone chimes again. You walk over and pick it up. New Email. Again? I just got one like five minutes ago! It must be the same person.

You walk back to the table so you can eat while you read the Emails. You take a bite of cereal and pull up the message. You take one look at who the Email is from and spit out your cereal all over the table in surprise. JCJenson?! Why the hell is JCJenson sending me an Email?! JCJenson is one of the most well-known companies in the world! You look at the details and it was only sent to you. But why?

You read the Email:

Greetings Y/N L/N,

        We have noticed your past struggles and would like to offer you a job here at JCJenson, In SPAAAAAAAACE. We have monitored your online behavior and accepted you into our league. Workers are on their way to your location. They will arrive in approximately 27 hours to bring you to our headquarters and give you more information.




You scream out loud in both fear and excitement. You got a job opportunity with one of the most successful companies on Earth! They're going to send a couple of their worker drones here and tell you more about it! This is aweso- ...

Did they just say that they monitored your online behavior? Are they stalking you? HOW DO THEY KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE?!

Your excitement melts into fear. What kind of job is it if you can't talk about it over Email? You are beginning to think that you won't just be a secretary. What happens if you say no? Nobody knows where headquarters is. Will anybody find you if things go awry?

On the other hand, this is the one chance you will get to finally be able to escape this small town. And your parents.

You decide that even if you do go missing and possibly die, it won't happen at this shitty college. You start packing. (And clean up the mess you made)


Around noon, you hear the door open. You look up quickly but roll your eyes when you see Claire walking in, carrying three large shopping bags and a pink smoothie.

"Hey. I'm surprised you're not drunk."

You say, looking back down at your phone. You are sitting at the kitchen counter on a stool.

"Ugh, I wasn't at a party, idiot. I went shopping"

Claire says, kicking off her heels and walking over to the coffee table to plop down her stuff.

"Wait lemme guess, hair extensions? AAA sized bras? Hmm... ooh! DIY nose-job kit!"

You taunt her. She just growls. You are pretty lucky that Claire can take a rude joke, but you still pushed the limit a bit.

"Uhh, going somewhere?"

Claire points to the suitcase sitting on your bunk. Does JCJenson not want you to tell anyone? Is it confidential? You decide to play it safe and say that you planned on visiting your grandparents. She bought it. What should you tell Claire when the worker drones show up at around 11:10 AM tomorrow morning? Hopefully she'll be out with friends or something.

"Hey Y/N."


You look up from your phone again and see Claire looking at your suitcase.

"How long are you leaving? This thing is packed! Your grandparents don't live that far away."

She looks at you suspiciously.

You panic, not knowing what to say. Claire knows you wouldn't miss school for too long.

"Uh, not long.. I, uh... have to give them a few things. That's why my suitcase is full"

You lie. Claire gives you another suspicious look.


She's not convinced.

You look back at your phone and see a text from F/N.


F/N:  yo, jason is having a party at his place. U wanna come?


You think for a moment.


F/N: yo, jason is having a party at his place. U wanna come?

srry, i have a job interview tomorrow,
its pretty far away.


F/N: yo, jason is having a party at his place. U wanna come?

srry, i have a job interview tomorrow,
its pretty far away.

[F/N is typing...]

F/N: yo, jason is having a party at his place. U wanna come?

srry, i have a job interview tomorrow,
its pretty far away.

F/N: oh cool. where is it?

You have no idea what to say. Should you come clean? F/N is your closest friend after all.


F/N: yo, jason is having a party at his place. U wanna come?

srry, i have a job interview tomorrow,
its pretty far away.

F/N: oh cool. where is it?

I actually dont know. Pls dont tell anyone but this morning i got an email from jcjenson. They wanna give me a job. Idk what it is but it sounds rlly important. They are gonna send drones here to pick me up and take me to HQ to give me more info about the job. Its like rlly far away but idk where it is, idk how long ill be gone


You hit the send button and anxiously wait for a response.


[F/N is typing...]


You bite your nails in anxiety.


F/N: y/n... that sounds awesome but please be careful, you know jcjenson kind of scares me. Please text me as often as possible and promise to stay out of trouble


I promise. i'll miss you *sad emoji*


You put your phone down and sigh, burying your face in your hands.

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