the true master.

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Hellen's POV:

After what happened at the cafe and finding out that Tyler was the hyde Wednesday and I now back at her dorm decided to come up with a plan to capture Tyler and get him to admit that he's the hyde on a audio recording.

W:ok so what's you're plan?

H:we need to find out a way of capturing Tyler and try to get him to admit everything.

W:and how exactly are we going to that?


H:I think I know how.

H:you see Tyler obviously knows that I know he's the hyde.

H: but he doesn't know that you know too.

H:so what I'm planning is to gather up a group of friends to help us out with he's capture but then you will ask him to meet you somewhere private and then that's when we strike.

W:huh that actually could work.

W:ok let's do it.

After that the next morning we rounded up a group of friends to help us out with our plan while Wednesday sent Thing to leave Tyler a little note asking him to meet her at Crackstones crypt that same night.

(Later that night at Crackstones crypt)

Wednesday's POV:

T: Wednesday?

T:are you here?

W:yes I'm right here.

T:whoa! Phew you startled me.

T:well uh why did you wanna meet.

W:oh it's nothing I just need to tell you a few things.

T:ok like what?

W:about that the night before when Hellen went to see you at the cafe and when he got back he was injured.

T:oh...uh...well we had a bit a issue.

W: really and how come you don't seem injured.

T:well I uh...

W: enough of you're lies Tyler I finally realize who you truly are.

W: I must say it's quite impressive.

T: What are you talking about?

W:how you manage to trick me and making me believe that you were nothing but a normal guy who works at a cafe.

W:but after that night when Hellen came back injured it opened my eyes and and finally everything made sense.

W: Xavier warned me about you but I simply didn't listen.

T:yea kinda ironic now huh?

W: ironic would have been framing Xavier for the murders while the real hyde helped me put him behind bars.

T:wait you can't seriously think that it's-

W: Oh I don't think I know.

W: kinbott must have figured out your little secret during one of your sessions.

W: why'd you kill her huh I thought hydes were supposed to be loyal to get a masters.

T: Wednesday stop do you realize how nuts this sounds.

W: on outreach day when I told you that I was heading to the old meeting house.

W: did Kinbott send you the spy on me?

W: for the night of the Rave'n when you overheard me and Eugene talking about You're layer in the woods you warned a kinbott and Eugene must have saw her torched it.

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