The beginning.

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Helens pov:

It was like any other day in school,I would keep to myself and try not to get close to anyone because I didn't care about the friendship thing,the only thing I cared about was to protect my little sister Lazari from people who did her wrong.

I was walking down the hall when I saw Lazari sat down on the floor with her head on her knees,I walked up to her and in a concerned voice I asked

H:Are you ok Lazari?

At first she only looked up at me and I was able to see tears in her eyes and that caused me to get worried and angry.I asked her.

H:What is going on? In a sort of demanding voice.

She told me that some guy named James called her a freak for being a cross breed and as soon as I heard that my blood started to boil.I asked her if she knows where he was and she told me that he was at lunch.

I started to head to the cafeteria before Lazari yelled out my name.


I looked back at Lazari and she was standing now and she said.

Laz:Just don't kill him.

I said nothing just gave her a quick nod and started walking again.

To be honest most people avoided me not only because they thought I was wierd but also because I made quite a name for myself for nearly killing multiple people at this school.

The reason being that they talked shit about my family and me and I wasn't gonna let that slide.

Anyways when I got to the cafeteria I started looking around to see we're this guy James was before spotting him at a table with his usual group of friends.

I walked up to him and without saying anything I grabbed him by his collar and threw him to the ground and started punching him.Some of his  friends tried to get me of him but I just pushed them away with my unnatural strength.I was honestly thinking on killing this guy but a teacher step in and got me of James and send me to the principals office.

(Time skip)

After everything that happened I was expelled from my school and charged with attempted murder. Although my dad made the police and the principal think that he was going to do something about me he didn't.In reality he was proud of me for not letting people talk bad about our family considering we got a lot of hate for being demons.

But anyways after a few weeks my dad decided to send me to a new school one called Nevermore.He told me it was a school of outcast and freaks and when I heard that I actually got a bit curious and thought that maybe things won't be that hard there. So me and my dad agreed to send me there. I packed up my things and I got ready for the long trip.

(Another time skip)

After a few days of packing and getting ready I finally made it to Nevermore where I was greeted by the headmaster principal weems. She gave me a big smile that honestly made me cringe.

Weems:welcome to Nevermore you must be Hellen

H:yup that's me.

After that principal weems took me into her office and we talked about my previous school,what I did to get to Nevermore and stuff like that.

Weems:Well let me show you where you will be staying

she said and we started to head to the dorms.we stop at a room and we entered.i saw a guy who was wearing a beanie get close and introduce himself

Ajax:Hi I'm Ajax it's nice to meet you

H:hello I'm Hellen it's nice to meet you too

I said while shaking his hands.

After that principle weems told Ajax to give me a tour of the school. Ajax first began showing me the interior of the school before taking me to the quad.

Ajax:and here is the quad

H:it's a pentagram?

I said slightly confused

Ajax simply gave me a confused huh?

H:Why would you call it the quad if it's the shape of a pentagram?

Ajax:Oh well I don't know we just call it quad.


A few hours later Ajax finished showing me around and I headed back to the dorm. I started to unpack and get my stuff ready.After unpacking I changed into something to sleep and I laid down on my bed and thought about what would happen in this new school but I knew that even though this was a school of outcast I wasn't going to let anybody walk all over me so I decided to do the same thing as I did to my other school.Make a name for myself till nobody would mess with me.

End of part 1.

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