the rave'n'dance

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Helen's POV:

When the day came to head into the woods to find anything about the monster of course it also the day of the rave'n and that meant that nobody was allowed to leave the school while it was going on.

Eugene:Actually Helen I have a question.

H: okay what's up?

Eugene: How are we going to go into the woods since they said that we're not allowed to leave the school grounds while the rave'n was not happening.

H: Eugene, I'm a demon with super speed and echo location trust me I'll figure out a way how to get us out.

Eugene: Fair point.

Then all of a sudden we heard a familiar voice from behind us.

W: what are you two talking about?

H:JESUS Christ Wednesday you really need to stop doing that.

W:no I don't.

H: of course you're never going to listen are you.

W:of course I am,but only when I want to.

H:*sigh*well me and Eugene were just discussing and how we're going to go into the woods tonight.

W: Don't bother All right I figured that out.

Eugene: really how!?

W: have to do which your bee club Eugene.

Eugene: really how so?

W: we'll just simply say that we didn't get dates and that we would go check up on something of our club.

Eugene:oh ok

H: sounds good.

Time skip.

Wednesday's POV:

After I became night I was in my dorm gathering a few things that I would take with me when we head into the woods, but as I was about to step out of my dorm when I opened the door it was principal Weems

Weems: why hello Wednesday.

W: what are you doing here?

Weems: I've come to make sure that you're not playing on doing anything tonight, but by the look of your outfit and that bag you have it seems like you're about to go somewhere.

W: So what you came here to stop me?

Weems: no they came here to tell you that because of the last events that you have pulled that I have hired security guard to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything.


Weems: you heard me, So wherever you were planning on going don't because there is going to be a security guard surrounding the school and they will not allow you to get past them.

Weems: do you understand Addams!?

I was infuriated by what principle Weems was doing but I knew that I couldn't do nothing about it.

W: of course.

I then proceed to just shut the door and walk back to my bed and sat down and start to think about what I was going to do now.

But then after a while I heard a knock at my door.

W: who is it?

H: it's me Helen may I come in?

When I heard that it was Helen I proceed to walk to the door and open it for it.

W: what is it?

H: I heard what happened, that principle weems apparently put a bunch of security guards around the school to prevent us from doing anything.

Wednesday Addams x male reader (OC)Where stories live. Discover now