parents weekend.

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Helen's POV:

A week has gone by since the rave'n incident with Eugene and all I could do was just suffer as I was thinking about Eugene and how I wasn't able to help him or Wednesday.

But I also knew that I had to let it go since it happened and there was no way to change what happened,so beside the push those thoughts aside for now and focus on what was going to happen.

Turns out that this weekend the school has allowed our parents to come visit us for the weekend and honestly I was quite excited not only because I was able to see my parents and my little sister again but also I could get to know Wednesday's parents.

Wait!, Has when they even told her parents about me.

As I was thinking about that and slightly panicking I suddenly fell a tap on my shoulder.



W:are you ok?

H:oh uh yea sorry I was zoning out a bit.

H:what's up.

W:have you heard that our parent are coming this weekend?

H:yea I've heard,why?

W:well...I think that maybe it would be a good time to introduce you to my parents.

Jesus Christ it's like she's able to read my mind.

H:oh really,you think so?

W: of course we've been dating for a while now.

H: yeah I guess you're right, and I guess I could also introduce you to my parents,if that's ok with you?

W: of course it is.

H:ok great.

I gave Wednesday a smile before giving her a kiss on the cheek and then we made our way to the quad since principal Weems had to do some sort of speech before we can see our parents due to what happened at the Rave'n.

Slight time skip.

Anyways after principal Weems speech I made my way outside and I waited until I saw a familiar black car.

Out of the car came out a tall man with long black hair, maroon or red eyes and with a bit of stubble.he was wearing boots with red laces, a black suit jacket,black pants,a red textured shirt, and a red textured scarf.

It was my dad.

Helen's dad (aka zalgo) clothes.

Following behind him also came out a tall woman with bright red hair, blue eyes and with a big smile.she was wearing white sleeveless blouse,black dress skirt and black boots.

It was my mom.

Helen's mom (aka Alicia) clothes.

And lastly a young girl following behind them who looks very similar to my mom except with my dad's maroon color eyes was my sister,Lazari she was wearing what she usually wears a red sweater with black ripped pants and boots similar to my dad except with more pinkish laces.

Lazari's clothes.

Zalgo:there he is,our little devil.

H:really dad,still with the little devil nickname?

Zalgo:oh son it's never going away.

H:of course not.

Zalgo:well anyways how have you been enjoying it here son.

H: surprisingly I've only gone into a few fights and I've actually made a few friends so I would say it's going pretty good.

Alicia:oh do you hear that Zalgo our dear son has made friends, isn't that wonderful?

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