The beasts lair

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Helen's POV:

After I got back to my dorm after me and Wednesday finished planning everything that were going to do I couldn't help but realize that I did really like Wednesday and that maybe me and her could become good friends.

But anyways I took a quick shower and I changed into something comfortable for the night. When I lay down on my bed another thought of Wednesday went through my head.

H:maybe I can ask her out sometime?

No what am I talking about we just met and I'm only helping her with her investigation. I'm not doing it for her I'm doing it for me right?

Time skip:

The next morning I woke up and I did the usual I got ready for class and waited for my roommate to wake up. After we got to the classroom I sat where I normally sat at the back of this class and just started drawing. I must have zoned out pretty well considering I got startled when somebody sat next to me. I looked up and I saw that it was Wednesday she sat next to me this time instead of sitting where she normally sits next to Xavier.

H: Wednesday?

W:Good morning Helen.

H:uh good morning.

I must admit I was surprised to see her sat next to me. But I also wondered why she did sit next to me. So I decided to ask her the reason.

H: why aren't you sitting where you normally,sit next to Xavier?

W:Because I need to talk to you about our plans after school.

H:oh ok,what's up?

W: we are going into the woods today to try to find a cave.

H: a cave? Why?

Then Wednesday proceeded to show me another drawing that seem to be the hyde and behind it some sort of weird spiral.

H: what is this?

W: it's a drawing that Xavier made.

H: why would Xavier make this drawing?

W: He's told me that he has been having nightmares about this monster.and that he draw them to try to understand them.and he drew this one that appears to be a cave behind the hyde.

I was honestly surprised of how Wednesday was able to figure all that out just because of a simple picture.

H: okay so after class we're going to go into the woods and find this cave. What are you helping to find there?

W: answers of course.

H:ok then.

After that we both just followed our classes as usual until the day ended and we had time to go to the woods to find this cave.

After we both got ready we started heading to the woods. We were walking for hours looking around to see if there was anything that fit the description of the picture.

We both were about to give up until I look to my right and saw something. It appeared to be some sort of rock formation so I stop the Wednesday and told her to look.

H: Wednesday hold up.

W: what is it?


I told her while pointing at where I was looking.

H:do you see that?

W:yes I do.

H:pass me the picture


Then I held up the picture and it matched perfectly.

H: I think we just found the cave.

Wednesday Addams x male reader (OC)Where stories live. Discover now