The date

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Wednesday's POV:

I had heard about what happened between Helen and Xavier. I heard that they both got into a massive fight and that they both got in trouble and they weren't allowed to leave the school.

I was not pleased at all about hearing this. Because that just meant that I had to cancel my plans with Helen. I don't know why but the thought of that made me furious.

But I just decided to let it go and go on with my day.

Back at Nevermore:

Helen's POV:

I got stuck with the task to clean every room in Nevermore which first made me upset but then I realized that it could be a perfect opportunity for me to escape. I just waited until I found a dorm that had windows that led to the roof and that's how I was able to escape.

Eventually I got to Wednesday and Enid's room and then I realized that it was the perfect place to escape. I went to the window and I stepped out onto the balcony then I decided to use my echolocation so it would be easier to locate where Wednesday was.
When I finally figured out where Wednesday was I jump from the balcony and started to glide.

PS: Hi it's lixion again just wanted to say that I did base most of Helen's abilities off morbius.

I made sure to land where nobody would see me so I landed behind some of the buildings. I continue using my echolocation to track where Wednesday is until I figured out that she was heading to the cafe still.

So I decided to quietly sneak up on her and give her a surprise.

I entered the cafe and made sure Wednesday wouldn't see me. I walked up to her and then I asked her.

H: Hey is there room for one more?


H: Hi Wednesday how are you doing?

W: I thought you got in trouble and you weren't allowed to leave the school.

H: oh I was,I still probably am but I didn't want to miss this time with you so I snuck out.

After telling her that I noticed she started to smile a little bit.

W: I see you're a man of your word.

H: well I tried to be at least.

I then proceeded to take a seat next to her and we started talking again.

Wednesdays POV:

I was utterly shocked to see Helen there I didn't think he would come. But now I see I was wrong.

I also realized that Helen's a man of his word. And that just made me really even more fond of him and trustful towards him.

Helen's POV again:

Me and Wednesday talked for a bit until she asked me if I was going to go get myself a coffee.

W: aren't you going to go order yourself something.?

H: oh you're right sorry thanks for reminding me.

I then proceeded to get off from my seat and head to the barista.

Tyler: Hello what can I get you?

H: Hi I'll just take a normal black coffee.

T: All right coming right up.

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