The first day

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The next morning I woke up and I put on the Nevermore uniform, I gathered my things and I waited for Ajax at the door. We both walk to our class together while talking when we got there we got greeted by Miss Thornhill.

Thornhill:Hello boys how are you two this morning?

she said with a bright smile.

We both said we were fine and we both continued and sat down.I sat at the back of the class since I didn't want to be noticed by many people, while Ajax sat near the front.While I was waiting for the class to officially start I took out my book and started drawing. I was just drawing a scorpion because it was one of my favorite more and more students came into the classroom I started getting nervous.worried that one of them would sit next to me. I didn't feel like talking to anybody or making new friends so I just pray to whoever would listen to not let somebody sit next to me. But unfortunately my prayers were unheard and somebody did end up sitting next to me. It was a guy with long brown hair to his shoulders like my hair.he had white skin and blue eyes he introduced himself to me as Xavier. And I did the same. He tried to talk to me but I made it obvious that I didn't want to talk with him and he left me alone. After that I was knocked out of my zoned out state after I heard Miss Thornhill greet the entire class

Thornhill:Hello everyone it's great to see you all here.

she said with a kind smile on her face that made me cringe at the sight of it.

Anyways after the class was over I headed to the quad and I sat down at a table and a continued drawing. Until somebody slammed his hands against the table and it shocked me out of my zoned out state. I looked up to see some guy with a shitty ass grin on his face

Isaac:so you must be the new kid here right.

H:yea and who are you?

Isaac:I'm sorry where are my manners,I'm Isaac

he said with a smug voice. As soon as I laid eyes on this guy I immediately did not like him.

Anyways this guy just kept going on saying that if I do whatever he wants he'll protect me from all the other freaks here at this school.Because here's the thing nobody at the school knew that I was a demon. The only people who knew were principal weems and a few teachers. They all thought I was a normie and that I wouldn't be able to last here at this school for to long.

Anyways I said in a sort of a annoyed voice

H:thanks for the offer but I think I'm good.

and then a tried to leave but then he grab my arm and made me face him.

Isaac:You don't really have any other choice.

he said while showing me his glowing yellow eyes and his fangs.Turns out this guy was a werewolf or part of the group of furs as there called here.

I will admit I was a bit shock seeing this but that didn't stop me from defending myself so I proceeded to headbutt him which caused him to let go and stumble backwards. Before he was able to look at me I tackled him to the ground and started punching him multiple times.All I could see was red i was so pissed off that all I could hear were the sounds of me punching him over and over again. But then suddenly I felt a strange pain on my side. I looked down to my right side and saw that he jammed his claws into my ribs. Then he took the advantage that I was shocked and he slashed at my face to get me off him.

I was able to dodge but I did end up getting a slight cut on my brow. I was holding my right side in pain where he stabbed me with his claws. But I fought through the pain and decided to get up again I was about to tackle him again before one of the teacher stopped me. He scolded me and told me to head straight to the principal office. I paused for a second and I looked around seeing everybody in shock and whispering stuff. I know they were whispering about me I wasn't really taken back by what they were doing but I did notice one girl. A black-haired pig tail girl with black clothing and dark eyes.she was just staring at me. I must have been quite focused on this girl considering the teacher yelled at me again to head straight to the principal office which I did.

Wednesday pov:

It was like just any other day,I got ready for class and i waiting for my roommate Enid to get ready as well. While we were heading to our class I overheard some students talk about a new student that's going to come to this school. I didn't pay much attention to it but Enid sure did.

Enid:omg a new student is coming to Nevermore did you hear Wednesday?

In my usual tone I just said no which made her frown.

After our classes were over we both headed to the quad where we found somewhere to sit and we talked. Nothing was going on until we heard someone screaming in pain. We looked over and we saw one of the boys from the furs holding his face in pain. While another dark haired boy tackled him to the ground.he then got on top of him and start punching him repeatedly. Both me and Enid were surprised by this and so was everybody else it seems.

Nobody did anything we just watched it happen before the werewolf boy was able to stab the dark-haired boy with his claws and able to get him off him. The dark-haired boy did not seem to pay that much attention to his wound and was simply trying to tackle the werewolf boy again before he was stopped by one of the teachers.

Before he left the quad me and him locked eyes with each other. I must admit I was surprised by him I've never seen him before. But I was able to figure out that he was a new transfer student here. We stared at each other for like a minute before the teacher yelled at him to go to the principal office and then he did left.

Enid:Did you see that?

W:indeed I did

I said in my usual tone. Enid continue telling me how shocked she was about what just happened while I didn't pay that much attention to it. Although I was intrigued by this new kid that came to Nevermore.

Anyways after everything had happened me and Enid both headed back to our dorms and we got ready for bed.

Helens pov:

After I was scolded from principal weems and got checked out by the nurse I was punished and now I had to clean the entire school for at least 2 weeks. I headed back to my dorm and I got changed into my usual clothes. All of a sudden the image of that black haired girl crossed my mind again. I don't know why but I was intrigued by her. She seemed different from all the others and I will admit she was quite pretty.

Either way I didn't pay much attention to that thought I just took out my book and started drawing until it was time for bed.

End of part 2.

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