3x9 'Welcome To Kitty Hawk'

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I stayed with Topper for a while after that, but by the time later afternoon came he insisted that I go home. He said that he just wanted to be alone now, maybe take a nap. I was hesitant but then agreed, kissing him goodbye and leaving his boat. When I got home, Rafe still wasn't back, much to my delight. I made my self a sandwich and then went up to bed to watch some Riverdale on my phone. I was SOOO many episodes behind. After that I text Topper goodnight and then settled down to go to sleep. However when it came down to it, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Topper. What was he doing now? Probably sleeping. Was he really struggling that bad? Did his eye still hurt? I just wanted to go back round to his boat and give him a huge hug, telling him that everything was going to be alright and that I would stay with him forever. But I knew none of that was true. Everything wasn't going to be okay, and I couldn't stay with him forever. Rafe was getting ready to put the house on the market, and as soon as it was sold (which would be quickly) I would have to return to Guandelope, to my mom and Wheezie. Visiting Kildare would be risky, and I couldn't see anyone in my family letting me. Would I ever see Topper again? Or Sarah? The thought scratched the back of my mind and caused tears to prickle in my eyes. I shook the thought off, I couldn't cry now. If these really were my last few days with Topper, I would spend them doing nice things. Tomorrow I would get up and go back to the boat to see who he was. I turned over and tossed and turned all night.

"Holly? Are you okay?" I sat up with a start, my heart racing. Topper was staring back at me, looking anxious "Are you okay?" He asked again. I looked around, confused. I was back in Topper's boat, sat upright in his bed. He was knelt down beside me, holding my hand. I moved my hand away and looked at his face. His once blackened eye and returned completely to normal "Your eye? Wha-" "Amazing right?" Came a voice. I looked up above Topper's head to see a dark figure standing in the doorway. It was merely a shadow, but it was talking. The shadow moved forward and Ward's face was smiling back at me "I used some of the cross to heal him! Like magic" Confusion rippled over my body, but then that feeling was soon replaced with another emotion. Anger. Pure, raging anger. Anger like I'd never felt it, rising up in my body. I clenched my fists tight together so they hurt, I scrunched my face up so I looked weird. Then, whilst looking Ward directly in the face, I let out a huge, loud scream. And then suddenly, I was standing where Ward was, Topper no where in sight. Ward laughed from opposite me and I looked down at my hand- I was holding a knife. It was already dripping with red, thick blood. I wondered who's it was but then Ward answered it for me "Rafe's blood, I see you got him first" The anger raged up into my body again and suddenly I was slashing the knife at Ward, trying to stab him. That was my only goal. However, I couldn't. He kept dodging out of the way, avoiding the blade. It was like he knew what I was going to do next. I ran at him again but he swerved out of the way. I went for his head but he ducked and backflipped, landing up right with his back against the wall. I screamed again and threw the knife directly at him. I was for sure it was going to hit him for a moment, so a wicked smile appeared on my face but it soon disappeared when the knife moved sideways and landed on the wall, inches away from him. He let out a sickening laugh "Nearly got me there...." I screamed again and started to make my way over to the knife but a voice called out in the distance "I see your embracing your darkness, Holly, good girl" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. My mom was standing across from me, right next to the bed where I'd been sat with Topper moments ago. Her hair was perfect as usually and she was smiling, warmly. She was wearing her favourite violet dress, the one with the rip in the hem of the skirt "Mom?" I said, walking up towards her "You don't have to fight it anymore....give in, give in" I reached out to her, ready to give her a hug but suddenly I was lying on the floor, my legs in the air. The boat had been thrown over, with a huge amount of force. I sat up and suddenly need to gasp for air. The boat had tipped up, and was now sinking rapidly "MOM!" I called out "MOM?!" Water filled every corner as I walked around in it, sloshing about. The water reached my ankles and before I knew it I was underwater. There was a flash of light, and a gasp of air. My head was above the water now, my breathing heavy. I looked around, we were in the middle of the ocean, and there was a brutal storm over head. Storm Agatha. I looked around and saw that over in the distance, there was a little boat bobbing up and down on the water "HELP!" cried the voices from it "HELP!" I squinted, and soon came to the realisation that huddled up in the boat was my mom, Sarah and Wheezie "HELP!" They cried. The water was swirling around them, and they seemed to be being dragged into the storm itself "HANG ON!" I cried, attempting to swim towards them "I'M COMING!" However, every time I seemed to get closer to them, the boat got further and further away "HELP!" They continued to cry. I stopped swimming for a moment as the clouds over me blackened. Behind the little boat containing my family was a huge whirlwind that seemed to be forming behind them. It was suckling things up from around it. Debris, cars, people "NO!" I cried, as the little boat got dragged into the whirlwind. There was the sound of three loud screens and a flash of light. Suddenly, I was struggling underwater, sinking down into the dark depths of the ocean. I opened my eyes and saw a long, thin hand reaching out to me. Gazing back at me was Topper "Take my hand!" He cried, though we were underwater. I reached out, but I was falling further and further down into the ocean. My fingertip was inches away from Topper's, but I couldn't reach it. I tried to say 'I can't' but all that came out were small bubbles. I reached forward, further and further until I was almost touching his hand. One more. Just. One. More. Stretch. I was jerked backwards all of a sudden, and Topper disappeared out of sight. I fell further down into the ocean, and it grew darker and darker. I was trying to breathe but I couldn't. I felt the last thuds of my heart die down and my eyelids began to close. Thud. Thud. Thud. I couldn't breathe. Just as I thought I was about to die, I woke up, gasping for air. Every part of my body was hot and there was sweat pouring off me. I was back in my room at Tanny Hill, safe and sound. It had just been a dream. Just a dream. I let out a huge sigh of relief and took amount to process all the things I'd just experienced. It had felt so real. I'd actually though it was real. I glanced over at the clock, still slightly traumatised. It was only 8:04am. I groaned. I DID NOT feel like I could go to sleep again after that. I'd had recurring dreams in the past, I certainly didn't want to experience that again. I moved over to the other side of my bed closer to my bed side and turned around so my feet dangled off the edge of the bed. I reached for my IPhone and rubbed my eyes, staring at the bright screen. I had one notification from messages. My heart leapt wondering if it was my mom. But it wss probably just Topper responding to my text from last night. Spoiler alert- it was neither. When I opened up the app I found I had an odd text from Sarah:

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