2x1 'The Gold'

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"Why are you lying, Holly?" I jolted up quickly, breathless and sweaty. I turned to my right to see Sarah sat on my bedside, staring at me. My eyes grew wide "Sarah? Your alive?!" she remained firm "Not quite" My smile faded. I studied her appearance, her hair was wet and her clothes were soggy, water seeping through "Your the reason I'm dead" she spat, coldly "I'm dead because you lied" My heart beat fast "What? How are you dead, your here? I don't understand-?" "Tell the truth" came a ghostly voice from the corner of the room. It was Peterkin, emerging from the dark depths of the bedroom. Her clothes were bloody and her skin was slowly rotting away. She limped towards me "Tell the truth!" I clasped my hands over my ears as whispers tormented them "Tell the truth! Tell the truth! Tell the truth!" "Stop!" I ordered, scrunching my eyes up, begging it to stop "Not until you tell the truth!" "No!" I cried, the whispers got louder "Please! STOP!" I screamed, at the top of my lungs "STOPPPPP!!!!" My eyes flicked open, my heart pounding. The whispers had stopped. I looked around the room, expecting Sarah and Peterkin to be there, but they weren't. It had all just been a dream. I breathed a sigh of relief, still sweating. I wiped my eyes sleepily and realised where I was- Topper's boat. I'd slept over. A smile appeared on my face as the relaxing sounds of birds filled the air. The boat rocked gently from side to side, the water beneath it rushing peacefully "Hey, sleepyhead" Topper said, rolling over from next to me. He had a smirk on his face and his hair was messy "Hey" I said. I thought about last night, when Topper had said we were 'realer than ever' I'd wanted him to say that so bad for years, and now he finally had. Judging by the look on his face, he didn't have any regrets "Good sleep?" He asked. I smiled, cheekily "I didn't sleep much" He chuckled "That's true" He reached out and tucked a lock of my bedraggled blonde hair behind my ear "How are you? After last night?" I asked. He frowned slightly "I don't know, still trying to process it all I guess" He looked back up at me "But your right, it's time to move on from Sarah, starting now" I rested my elbow on the pillow "Hey, you don't regret anything we did do you?" I asked, concerned "What you said last night, did you mean it?" He laughed, his eyebrow raised "Of course I meant it" He moved his finger from my hair and stroked my cheek "I needed to move on from Sarah way before she....way before last night, this whole time I'd been chasing after her when really the whole time it should've been you I was chasing after, what I was looking for was right in front of me, I just didn't look hard enough" I took his words in, the long awaited confession I'd waited to hear for years. Now it was finally happening. At first I'd thought maybe he'd slept with me because he was upset about Sarah, or because he needed someone now she was gone, but listening to what he was saying, how he was saying it- I could tell it was all true. He did like me after all. I felt myself blush "Well as it so happens, I've liked you for a while" He let out a stiflling laugh "Really? I never would've guessed" I beamed "Wait was it that obvious?" "Uh yeah? I'm not THAT clueless!" I hit him with my pillow, playfully and we continued laughing "So what happens now?" I quizzed "With us?" He shrugged "I don't know, I mean we could start with a date?" I nodded "Okay" "How about tonight? We could have a walk on the beach, watch the sunset" "Sounds romantic" I gushed "I'll be there" He beamed "Perfect" He leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. As we kissed, I caught a glimpse of the clock from behind him. I pulled away from the kiss "Oh my god! Is that what time it is!" I leapt out of bed, grabbing my now dried clothes off of the radiator "I totally forgot, it's Peterkin's funeral today! I have to attend with my family-" "Well is it not cancelled? After last night?" I pulled my shorts on "I don't know, I mean probably not? It's really important" Well at least for my family it was, if we didn't attend, it would make us look guilty. That's because we were. I threw my shirt on over my bra and grabbed my phone from the table. I had a ton of texts and missed calls from my mom, asking me where I was. I swiped them away and placed my phone in my back pocket "Hey, I'll see you later then, yeah?" Topper exclaimed. I smiled "Sure, I'll text you" I looked at Topper one more time and opened up the doors that lead to the decking of his boat. For a moment, everything seemed normal, but when I stepped outside all of last nights memories came flooding back. I had snapped back to normality, tangled with secrets, lies and my missing sister. My missing sister who wasn't coming back. I made my way up the decking and looked around The Banks. The Hurricane had left debris flying everywhere and people were desperately cleaning up their boats and yachts. The sea however, remained calm, its waves lapping back and forth. It was almost as though there hadn't even been a storm last night. But there had been, and my sister had died in it. I made my way to the exit of Topper's boat and jumped off of it, onto the pavement of The Banks of Kildare. Peterkin's funeral was soon, like REAL soon. I couldn't let my mom down. I had to get to my house and I had to get there now. I ran through the Banks of Kildare, running past shouting kooks and angry old men cleaning up. I ran and ran and ran, the wind in my hair. As I approached Tanny Hill it dawned on me how much I didn't want to go back in there. I wished that I could just stay in Topper's boat with him forever, but I knew that wasn't possible. I had to face my family.

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