2x6 'My Druthers'

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"Oh my god, w-what happened, are you okay?" I asked, my eyes pinned to Sarah who had just emerged from the entrance. She nodded her head, not saying a word. I looked over at Topper "What happened to her? How do you even find her?" Topper lowered his voice, looking upset "Rafe tried to drown her" I stepped back, the words hitting me deep in the chest "Oh my god" Rafe, Sarah's own brother had tried to drown her. I knew Rafe was capable of things but not in a million years did I think he was capable of trying to drown his own sister. He was crazy now. I didn't matter who they were, he would willingly harm anyone. No one was safe. Not even my mom, who was home with him right this second. The thought knocked me sick. I looked over at Sarah who was staring into space, still shocked no doubt "Well, how did you find her?" Topper rubbed the back of his neck "I couldn't sleep, I went out for a walk along The Banks and I saw them, luckily I managed to stop him before he did anything but" He looked up at me "She...she could've died, she almost did" I clasped a hand over my mouth, horrified "Did anyone see?" He shook his head "No, just me I think" I didn't know whether to be relived or not. Topper shrugged "I didn't know what else to do, I just bought her back here" I nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder "You did the right thing, Top" We both looked over at Sarah, who looked shattered "I think it's best she gets some sleep" Topper exclaimed "She's still in shock" "Yeah, definitely" Topper made his way over to Sarah "Hey you can crash here, okay? You need some sleep" Sarah nodded, still silent. I stepped back and Topper ushered Sarah towards the exit of the room, leading her to the other bedroom "I'll give you guys some time alone" Topper smiled at me, greatfully and placed his hand across Sarah's back as he showed her out of the room. I couldn't help feeling a twang of jealousy. I mean that was normal, right? My boyfriend's ex girlfriend was back and she didn't even know we were together. Honestly I hadn't even thought about jealousy, I was just glad Sarah was back. I shook the thought off and reached into my pocket. It was only 5am, and my mom was sure to be asleep. Still, I felt my fingers typing a message and sending it straight away, my hands shaking.



Holly: hey are u okay? Just checking

A few minutes passed and I hasn't recieved a message back, as expected. It only had one tick so I guess her phone wasn't even on. Classic mom. At least that probably meant she was okay, right? I looked up as Tooper re entered the room, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could. He came and sat down next to me "She's sound asleep already" I nodded "That's good, did she say anything? About what happened?" Topper shifted "No, she barely spoke two words" He let out a breath "God, I just...I just can't believe Rafe would do something like that, I never would've even guessed he was capable of it" I let out a small laugh "I can...I mean he's always been crazy, but....I mean yeah I guess your right this is just..." I trailed off. I'd forgotten for a second that Topper still didn't know Rafe had killed Peterkin, unless of course due to the recent events, he'd now worked it out. Topper gazed at me and for a second I thought he was going to ask me. I thought he was going to ask me if Rafe killed Peterkin. Instead, he just said "We'll talk to Sarah again in the morning, make sure she's okay, but now I think honestly we should try catch a few more hours of sleep" Sleep. That wasn't even on my mind right now. I nodded "Yeah, we should" Topper stood up, wiping his sleepy face and yawning, he then leaned over and kissed the top of my forehead, before heading for the bed. I stood up, a huge welling feeling coming over me "I'll join you in a sec" I turned around and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and put my palm against my mouth. Luckily, I made in time and was able to vomit into the toilet. Once it had all come out I flushed it and sat by the toilet, hugging my knees. I felt my eyes blur as tears appeared. My family had well and truly fallen apart. The fact that Rafe had tried to drown Sarah knocked me sick. The thought of what he might do next. I felt my wrists curl up into a ball, my blood boiling. I could kill Rafe for what he'd tried to do.

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