2x3 'Prayers'

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I couldn't concentrate on anything after finding out Sarah was alive. The thought of her out there on her own made me worried sick. Where was she living? Did she have food and water? Was she even safe? There was also another thing worrying me too, Ward and Rafe had left to go to the Bahamas earlier today. They were in the exact same place Sarah and John B were. Paradise Island was big, but not that big. There was a high chance that they would bump into one another, and that terrified me. Rafe and John B would be sure to have it off if they crossed paths, Ward too. I didn't know what Rafe was capable of anymore, he might even hurt Sarah. Another thing that worried me was keeping Sarah being alive a secret, I'd already kept enough secret already unlike oblivious Wheezie. She didn't even know about the gold. She didn't know about anything. I hated lying to Topper about what Rafe and Ward did, but lying about the fact that his ex girlfriend was alive? That was a pretty big thing that he deserved to know. For Sarah's safety, I knew I couldn't. God, why did Wheezie have to tell me. It was probably better that I didn't know. I felt like I needed to just get everything off my chest. Hang on, maybe there was a way that I could? I rolled over across my bed to the other side, opening up the drawer. I rooted around in it and after a few seconds pulled out a pink notebook decorated with flowers and butterflies. I closed the drawer shut and got comfy on my bed. I glided my fingers across the hard texture. Across the top of it, it read 'Holly's Journal' in pink and purple stickers. I smiled at the memories of the journal. I had been 10 at the time, and given the journal as a present for Christmas, by Ward. He'd said I could write anything in it, my thoughts, my feelings, stories about my vacations, my trips out. So I did. Then I'd grown up, and stopped writing in it. Now it's dusty covers lay at the bottom of my bedside drawer. I opened it up and turned to the first page:

6th June 2011

Today was a fun day, first we went to a funfair and went on the rides. We went on the big rollacoster and Ward threw up, it was funny. Then my mom bought us all candyfloss and we went on the carousel. Wheezie was too small to go on it so she waited outside with Ward. Sarah and I got matching face tattoos and went in the fun house. We were scared but she was scared more than me so i let her hold my hand so we were okay. We got scared by a big clown who I thought looked a lot like Ward. Then there was this hammer thing where I had to hit it but I couldn't reach so Ward lifted me up and I hit it and I won. I got a fish but I didn't like it so I was going to give it to Wheezie but mom said no because she might eat it. I gave it to Rafe instead and he named it Blood. I think thats a strange name for a fish. Rafe didn't want to really go on the rides but he wanted to go on the scary ones but Ward wouldn't let him. Then he pushed Ward. He got mad. Then they made up and we went home and had nice dinner. Sarah and I had a sleepover in her room and we watched Sleeping Beauty. Mom said we both looked like Princess Aurora. We went to bed late and got midnight snacks. It was a fun day.
PS Rafe's fish died I don't know how we had a funeral for it even though Rafe didn't want one I think he killed it.

I laughed as the memories came flooding back. I remembered that day as clear as anything, even though it was 8 years ago. I guess Rafe killing his fish made more sense now. I shivered at the thought and turned the page. I read and read the entries, flipping page after page and reminiscing all the good times. I eventually reached the end, October 3rd 2015. The blank page on the right seemed to be staring at me, as if to say 'Please write on me, please write on me' I had to give in. I found a pen and clicked it so the led popped out. The click sounded the house, surprisingly loud. I wrote the date at the top of the page and thought for a second. Then, everything just came pouring out so much that I didn't even have to think about what to write. I'd only planned on writing a few sentences but I just kept going. In the end I'd written about 5 pages. What I'd written about you ask? I have decided to keep that classified. After all, a journal is a journal, nobody is supposed to find out what lies in the dark depths of the pages. I glanced at the clock to check the time. 5pm, I would have to leave soon. I clicked the pen again and made my way to the bottom of the last page I'd written on. I wrote 5 words 'I'm glad you found this'

The 6th Cameron (An Outer Banks Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora