2x9 'Trapped'

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It had finally happened. My worst nightmare had come true. Ward was alive. Maybe I was a horrible person for preferring him dead, but things had been so much better without him. Plus now he was alive, I was going to have to say goodbye to Kildare. To Topper. I didn't have a choice. I couldn't stay here alone or leave my mom. I couldn't let her be alone with Ward and Rafe. Especially not Rafe. As I packed my things I looked around my room, reminiscing the memories I had in this room, good and bad. How I'd had endless sleepovers with Sarah, fought over daft things with Wheezie, done drugs with Rafe, cried because I'd realised my family were murderers. No matter how bad some of the memories were they were apart of my life. Apart of this house. Apart of this room. I didn't know when I would be coming back here, or when. I had to take in all the memories and keep them forever. I found myself going through every room in the house, and saying goodbye. Remembering the memories. Cherishing them. I reached the drawing room and smiled at the family portrait I'd painted last year. It was half finished as I'd given up just before the coloring so some parts were splashed with color whilst others remained bare. But we were all there. Me, my mom, Sarah, Wheezie, Rafe, Ward. As a family. I'd painted this before we'd been shredded apart, a time when I believed we were all good people. But people change- or rather they evolve, evolve into the people they were always destined to be. I took one last longing look at the portrait and left the room. I still had multiple questions for my mom, like where we were going, what we were planning to do, what Wheezie knew and how on earth we were going to get Sarah to come with us. If she found out her father was alive she might want to see him, but more realistically, due to the recent events, she probably wouldn't want to clap eyes on him ever again. I know I certainly didn't. Then there was Topper. Poor, sweet Topper. What was I going to tell him? My mom had told me to not tell a single soul Ward was alive, not even Topper. I knew he wouldn't say anything but it was probably better that he didn't know. That way there would be less questions to be asked, less for me to answer. I put off going to see him all day but I knew it had to be done. I couldn't hold it off any longer.




Holly: Hey, can we meet? I need to talk to you somewhere private, your boat maybe?


Topper: yeah, sure. Is everything okay?


Holly: just meet me there okay then I'll explain I promise ❤️


Topper: okay, when do you want to meet?


Holly: now.

I'd never ran so fast in my life on my way to Topper's boat. My mom was out and I wasn't sure when she'd be back but when she did return we'd be leaving immediately. I had to make this quick. Holding back the tears I opened the door to the boat and stepped inside. Topper was stood there wide eyed, looking panicked "Hey, I got your texts, what's up? Is everything okay?" I couldn't reply to that, so I simply ran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug "Woah, woah, tight" He laughed "Sorry" I said, loosening my grasp a bit. My voice was shaking and I think my tears were starting to form. I eventually pulled away from Topper and wiped my hand over my face, trying to hide the crying "What's wrong? Your scaring me" He laughed nervously. I looked down at the ground then back up at him, letting out a huge exhale "Listen....Topper" I took his hands and gazed up at him "There's something I gotta tell you" "Okay" I gulped "Um...I-I'm going away for a while and....I'm not sure when I'll be back" He stared back at me blankly and then smiled "Like a vacation?" I shook my head "No, not a vacation....me and my family are leaving okay I'm just not sure when we'll be back....or if we will" Topper let go of my hands "What? What are you talking about?" The tears were real now "Look something happened okay and I have to go but please just know I'll be okay I promise I will" "No! You can't leave! What happened?" I bit my lip "I can't say, but everything's okay, I swear!" Topper continued to stare back at me but then his look changed. In that moment a look of realisation fell across his face. He understood. He understood I had to leave "Okay, but you'll be back won't you?" I reached up and held the sides of his face "Sure" I said. I didn't know if I would be, so I'd told him what we both wanted to hear "I love you" I smiled at him as he said that. Usually I would've been thrilled by those three words, but not right now. Not in this moment "I know" I said quietly. Then his lips came crashing down on mine as I held his face. The last kiss we would share in a while. I didn't want to part from him, but I knew I had too "I'll wait for you" He told me as our foreheads pressed together, his baby blue eyes twinkling in front of me "I promise" He didn't have to do that. To wait for me. But I wanted him too. A year ago I'd meant nothing to Topper, just his girlfriend's step sister. But now I was the girl he loved. His girl. I was betraying him by leaving. But I'd made my choice. I wasn't going to change it now. I stepped backwards so his forehead wasn't touching mine anymore. A tear dropped down my cheek and into my mouth. It tasted salty, but somewhat refreshing. I held his hand and we stood for a second, our fingers interlocked "I should go now" I whispered after a while. Topper nodded "Yeah" I gulped, still trying not to burst into tears "Goodbye, Topper" I managed to say, my voice cracking. Topper sniffed "Goodbye" I admired him for a minute and then let my fingers go. His hand stretched out to mine as our pinkies intertwined. Then I let go fully, so his arm was out grasping air. I turned away, knowing that if I looked at him for another second I will sob and change my mind about leaving. I'd had my chance with Topper and I'd blown it. All because of my family, because I was loyal to them. I might've been the one who was pining over Topper, but I'd been the one to let him go. To loose him. I left the boat without looking back, entering a fit of tears, sweat and mascara.

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