1x8 'The Runway'

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1 day later

I spent the next day continuing to work on Ward's boat to take my mind off things. I got to go early though because he wanted to take John B 'fishing' or whatever but it was probably just him lecturing him about Sarah. Sarah had been suspiciously cheery that day so I guess they'd like slept together or whatever. 3 months ago I would've been thrilled if Sarah and John B were a thing, but now that I knew it wouldn't change things between me and Topper i couldn't care less. I hadn't talked to Topper since our midnight conversation but I still wanted to be friends with him. Maybe eventually my feelings for him would just....drift away. It was the next night and I was scrolling on phone. It had been a few days since Chloe's party and there was little talk about it. Most of it was just people slating Chloe for cheating on Tom and talking about her going to boarding school. Chloe hadn't posted on her Instagram since the party so I guess her parents had taken her phone away and rumour has it she was leaving for boarding school after summer. Which I guess was actually a good thing because I wouldn't have to look at her face every day in school. I turned my phone off quickly as I heard whispers and footsteps. Was there someone in the house again? God people must really love Tanny Hill. I got up out of bed and opened my door, stepping out onto the landing. I looked up over the staircase and saw Ward walking down the stairs with a gun "What the fu-" I began, but my mom approached me, holding a finger to her lips, telling me to shush. What the hell was going on and why did my boring step-father have a gun? I held up my phone, getting ready to call the cops but my mom snatched it away from me, shaking her head "Sarah?" Ward shouted. My mom joined him on the stairs and they walked down them, calling for Sarah "Holy shit" I exclaimed, running down the stairs and looking around "Is she not in her room?" I asked, Ward shook his head, gun in his hand. I stepped away from him, slightly scared. I thought back to when Ward had allegedly tried to choke Topper. The thought of it chilled me. Suddenly Sarah appeared on the lawn outside, getting ushered inside by Ward. She looked upset, scared even. Maybe she just went outside to get some fresh air? I went back to bed with thoughts of Ward with a gun in my head, the look on his face when he was looking for Sarah almost made him look....dangerous. I decided I was overthinking things and decided to ignore it.

The next day:

I was sulky the next day, as it was the day where Ward was going to the Bahamas with Sarah. Of course me, Wheezie and Sarah weren't invited. My mom said it was 'business' stuff but why was he taking Sarah when she had nothing to do with the business? After all Sarah didn't even know Ward was looking for the gold. Oh yeah, the gold, I'm pretty sure Ward got it and that's why they were going there. Still pretty wierd that he wouldn't invite me though. I guess I would just have to stay at home with my mom and Wheezie doing boring stuff. I talked to Topper later on and he told me where Rafe had been staying so I decided to go pay him a visit. It looked like Wheezie had had the same idea as well cos I saw her coming out of the building when I arrived "Wheezie what are you-" She stuck up her middle finger at me, looking pissed "Rude!" I shouted back, shaking my head. I entered the outside area where Rafe was sitting, counting money. He looked up at me, shaking his head "Not you as well" I shrugged "Charming" I reached into my pocket "Guess your not getting your cash then" I exclaimed, holding it high in the air, out of his reach. He jumped up, hungry for money and snatched it out of my hand "Hey!" He sniffed the money, his eyes greedy. I sank down in a chair next to him "Sweet place" I exclaimed although I figured he'd probably just broken In to it. He nodded "Yeah" "Where are you going?" I asked him, as I saw him getting up "To tag along with my dad, I'm not missing out on going to the Bahamas" He called, leaving me there. I shook my head, damn why was he in such a mood?

When I got back to Tanny Hill, Ward and Sarah had already left so I figured they were probably on the plane. My mom was sat in the kitchen, looking worried "What's up?" I asked her, she looked up at me, looking startled "Nothing" she lied, my mom was the worst liar. I sat down next to her "Come on, you can tell me! I'm your daughter remember? You can tell me anything" she looked up at me and shook her head "Not this" aha! So there was something. I laughed "Well, you just gave away that there's something you're hiding so I'm just gonna keep asking until you tell me" I nagged. She sighed, cupping her face in her hands. She looked scared, like Sarah had last night. Like Ward had. Like Rafe had. They were all keeping secrets, I knew it "Please, you can trust me, I won't tell anyone" I assured her, placing my hand on hers. She turned to me "Promise?" "Promise" I said, and I meant it. Whatever she was about to tell me I wouldn't tell anyone "Okay well...there's something you should know but you can't tell anyone, or show that you know!" I shook my head, this seemed serious "9 months ago, your father was on a boat with Big John" John B's father? But he went missing 9 months ago...? No, surely my family had nothing to do with it? "Where is this going?" I said, my heart pounding "There was an argument....an accident.....Ward accidently injured him and..." "Oh my god" I said, stepping back "It was an accident honey, he didn't mean too-" What was she telling me? That Ward, my step-father was the reason John B's dad went missing? That he.... No. I'm not gonna say anything "Ward killed him!" I cried "No honey, it was an accident" "I'm living in the same house as a murderer?!" I cried. That's when I knew it. Ward was dangerous. My family was dangerous, and there was nothing I could do about it.

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