2x4 'Homecoming'

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I woke the next morning to find that Ward and Rafe had already returned from The Bahamas, much to my dismay. I guess their trip had been shorter than expected. I found them in the kitchen laughing and joking with my mom, by 'them' I mean Ward. Rafe was sat drinking bourbon, the same usual boring look on his face. Ward noticed me staring creepily at Rafe "Ah Holly, how was the meeting?" I dug my fingernails deeper into my palms, they were bloody now, cut "Fine" I managed to squeak out "She did so well" My mom praised, smiling "I'm so proud" I looked back over at Rafe and smiled stifly "Yeah well maybe now you should try and convince Rafe to go to one" He shot me a dirty look and leant back, the glass barely touching his lips "Yeah, not really my scene" I rolled my eyes and looked back over at Ward and my mom, who were frozen. They hated talking about Rafe and drugs, mostly because he always shouted when they mentioned it. Still, how was it fair that they would make me go to a meeting and not him? He'd been on drugs longer and his problem was WAY worse than mine "So, did you find out who broke into the house?" I asked although I pretty much already knew the answer. Still, I needed to know if they'd happened to bump into Sarah and John B along the way. I mean they would tell me if they had, right? Ward lifted his shoulders up tightly "No, we didn't, probably just a false alarm, all the gold was still there, luckily we managed to get it some place safe" False alarm? So Sarah and John B just happened to be on the island and didnt even try to take the gold? I nodded but kept my eyes closely on Ward. He was either completely oblivious or lying. One of the two. I had a feeling which one it was. So the question was, if he knew Sarah was alive, why wasn't he saying anything about it?

The hot water almost burned my hands as I washed them vigorously under the tap. I was trying to calm down the blood coming from the crescent moons on my palms but it wasn't working. I turned the tap more until it was at its full power. The water got hotter, splashing onto my hands. I winced as the pain got worse. I told myself to stop washing and to take my hands away but I couldn't. I had to keep washing. The fast rush of the tap felt familiar as I remembered hearing Ward washing his hands the night Peterkin had died. He'd been washing blood, just like me. Only the blood I was washing was my own. I bit my lip hard and gave in, taking my hands away from the tap and switching it off. I breathed heavily, staring back at myself in the mirror, hardly bearing to look. My attention was turned to a pair of scissors that were lying on the shelf, unused. The blades were sharp and shiny. I picked them up, without hesitation and started cutting my nails. I cut them down low, so low I almost didn't have any nails. I had to stop myself. As long as I didn't have long nails, I would be fine. The crescent moons I had would go away and I couldn't make new ones. Problem solved. I found myself staring at the scissors for a while after I'd finished cutting. I knew there was other things that I could do with these scissors, other parts of myself that I could cut. I didn't want to though. I shook my head and resisted it, putting them back down onto the shelf. I shook my hands dry and left the bathroom. I found myself walking past the balcony, but then going back again. Rafe was sat on a chair, smoking, the same look on his face as before. I swear his expression never changed. I walked onto the balcony, my bare feet gliding across the dirty decking. I needed to find out what really went down at The Bahamas, and I had more of a chance at getting it from Rafe than from Ward. I stood next to Rafe, my eyes on our front yard and Kildare. He spoke first "I thought you stopped?" He breathed out a puff of smoke as he said it. Smoke that stunk of weed "I have, I'm not here for drugs" I exclaimed, although the smell of Rafe's weed almost had me tempted "What are you here for then?" He asked, looking at me this time. Now that was a question I couldn't exactly answer. Play it casual Holly, play it casual. I shrugged "Just wondering how the Bahamas was I mean you weren't there for long" Rafe didn't answer straight away. I didn't expect him to though, after all this was our first proper conversation together since I'd found out he'd killed Peterkin- since Sarah had 'died' "Yeah well, it wasn't exactly a vacation, we just went for the gold and that was it" I scuffed my feet "Well you must've done something I mean retrieving the gold doesn't take that long" He laughed "Yeah well we ate out, met up with some of my dad's friends" "Who?" "The Pulpberries" Ward fell out with them years ago "Ah, of course" I said though. Rafe turned to me "You know your awfully nosy" I shrugged "Yeah well I'm just curious, plus I'm bored, so" I caught another whiff of the weed and felt myself coughing slightly. Withdrawal symptoms. I stepped back "Well glad you had a good time and got your gold" I said somewhat coldly, emphasing the last part. I turned around heading towards the door "Hey" I stopped and turned around. Rafe was staring at me, creepily. He nodded his head "Nice feet" I looked down at them and pulled a face, freaked out. High Rafe is fucking wierd. Guess we're alike. I ran back inside, my heart racing. Rafe was definitely lying, I thought he might have slipped up since he was high but no, his lips were firmly sealed. Something had definitely gone down in The Bahamas, and I had a feeling it had something to do with my very much alive sister.

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